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An Act to establish a Bank, and incorporate a Company under the name of the Conococheague Bank, in Williamsport, in Washington county. 1813 27 (1813.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0012 and id is 1 raw text is: LEVIN WINDER, EsQ.  OVERINOU.
'than two months notice thereof, in some ono of the. publi  Dec.Sess.
.prints in the city of Baltimore.,                      1813.
89. AND lIE IT ENACTED, That all that part of the
Repeal of part
,:act entitled, ', An act to incorporate a Bank, to be called oIanct. 15p4
by the name of the Farmers' Bank of Somerset and Wor- tion ofdirect-
.       woster,,' Which authorises the stock-holders of Somerset ors.
to elect eight directors* in said Bank, in Somerset county,
shall be, and is hereby repealed ; and the stock holders
of said Bank, shall be entitled to elect sixteen Directors,
eight of whom to be resident in Worcester oounty, and
.the remainder to be elected from the stoek-holders at
33. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall con-
tinue in force, until the expiration of the year eighteen Termofineo.
hundred and fifteen, and to the end of the next session of potation,
Assembly thereafter.
CHAPt 33.
An act to establish a Bank, and incoporate a CompanPay Passed Jan; 7,
under It name of the Conococheague Bunk, in Iililli-  181.
amsport, in IVashngton county.
Section 1. BE IT ENAC'1 ED by the General Assem-      , esta-
bly of. Maryland, That a Bank to be called and known by lished.
the name of'the Conococheague Bank, shall be established
in Williamspori, in Washington county.
o. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the capital stock of      capital.
this Bank, shall consist of two hundred and filty thousand  Numberof
hares. shares
dollars, money of the United States, divided into ten thou- reaerved.
sand shares of ttventy-five dollars each: one thousand
shares thereof shall be reserved for the use and benefit of
the state, to be subscribed for in such manner as the Legis-
lature may direct.
3. AND 13E IT ENACTED, That books for the sub-
scrjption of nine thousand shares of the said stock, shall be Subscription
opened at Williamsport, by the directors hereinafter na- hoake opeed.
med, or a majority of them, on the first Monday of April oned Ifnt
next ; and the directors who shall meet on the day so ap- filled. Books
pointei for receiving the said subscriptions, shall cause closed. Dirc t.
the said books to be opened at the place or places by them
agreed upon, at ten o clock in the morning, and continue
the same open until five o'clock in the afternoon : and if
the subscriptions shall exceed the number of shares as
above then the said directors are hereby authorised so to
apportion the shares subscribed among the several sub-
scribers, as to exclude no one subscriber from a partici-
pation in the said stock, and as may reduce the whole to
the numper to be subscribed for ; but if the said subscrip-
tions shall not be filled upon the first day, the said direct-
ors shall have power to adjourn from day to day, until
thei whole number of shares shall be subscribed for ; and
at any time after the-first day when the said subscr - ions
shall be complete,.it shall be the duty of the said direct-
ors, immediately to close the books; and those only who

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