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An Act authorizing Maria Lysida Denege Dupre, f.w.c., wife of F. Agenor Metayer, f.m.c., of the parish of Natchitoches, to sell certain slaves. 1852 104 (1852)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0360 and id is 1 raw text is: 104
son who may wish to see it, provided that the names of voters resid-
Peronwhoaro ing 0in that portion of the said parish lying on the sea shore and
to be exempted known as Grand Isle, Grande Terre, and the Cheniere Caminada,
from the jury lis shall not be included in said list.
Speaker of' the House of Representatives.
Lieut. Governor and President of the Senate.
Approved, March 10th, 1852.
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
No. 138.                   AN ACT
A uthorizitc Mlarin Lysila Dhtde Dupr6, f. w. c , wifenif F. AgAnor Meltyer f. tilc.
of the pnrish of  Natchitaches, to sel Icerlain sl aves.
Be it enatd by I&t Senate and House of Representatives of the
Amthorizationt Stale of Louisiana, in General Assemnbly convened, That Ala.
sell certain dotal ie Lysi a Di6ge 1'. w. c., wife of' F. Agrnor M0tayetr, 1. in c. of'
property.  the paish of' Natelitoches, ie and she heteby, is authorized and ( mil)
owered with the coinsent of' her said husband, to sell a certain ntegtro
woma tt in nmted Cl 6tirnoa slav e for1 life, and her child, a intlatto boy
inmed Edward ;03o a slave for lif' ; said slave Cl6rtino having hCen
donated to said Mario Lysida Ddn6go Dutpt6 1. w. c. at the tit!
of her marriage, by her athetr Phillippe Valsin Dupr6 f. m. c.
Speaker of the House of' Representatives
Lieutenant-Governor and President of the Senate.
Approved, March, 01th, 1852.     JOSEPH WALKER,
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
No. 139.                   AN ACT
'I'o  tithorize Cirles BaItmbaclh and  is wife Eliza'beth Grehecn of the cityof New
Orleans, to adopt John Chnrles, an orphan raied by them and to change his
nmte to John Ghnrles Baujmnbach.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilousc of Repj)rcscutatives
Adoption -of 'he Statc of Louisiana, in General Assembly conUned, That
ciod.  Cr     arles Btuinu'bach antd his h wife Elizabeth Greiom of' the city of'
New Orleans, be and they ate hereby authorized to adopt as their le-
gitimate leir, J oln Charles, an orphan boy raised by them, provi.
,Wa.ch ded such adoption be made to appear by an act to be executed by
them, before a notary public and two competent witnesses within
a year from the passage of this act.
See. 2. Be it further enacted, djc., That from and after the exc.
Effects of Bld cution of the act of adoption provided for in the preceding section,
edoption.  the said John Charles shall hear the name of John Charles Baum-
bach, and be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a legitimate
child of said Charles Baumbach and his wife Elizabeth Grehem, save

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