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An Act to appropriate a certain sum of Money for the purchase of machinery for the Louisiana Penitentiary and for other purposes. 1847 35 (1847)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0302 and id is 1 raw text is:                                             35
           No. 41.]                    AN   ACT
                                To provide for paying Assessors.
             SECTIoN  1. Be  it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
   Assessors of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That   the
'f  ... urs Treasurer of the State be authorized to pay to the several Assessors of
lng the nui- this State on the warrant of the Clerks of the District Courts the sum of
her of1 freeente
while chitren three dollars for every hundred free white children, between the ages
warranfrof   five and sixteen years, taken under a joint resolution for the purpose
Clerk of is- of ascertaining the number of free white children, between certiin ages,
Aunomt.   in the State ofLouisiana, approved Juno the first, eighteen hundred and
          forty six, and under an act of' the Legislature, approved same date, enti-
 Proviso. tied  An  Act to provide for the appointment of Assessors for the State of
          Louisiana, and  to define their duties ; Provided, that whenever any
          Assessor may have  been paid out of the Parish Treasury, the Cleik of the
          District Court shall not give him a warrant on the State Treasury until
          the said Assessor shall have refunded the amount so paid him out of the
 Assessors of Parish Treasury.
 taxes ivild on  SEC. 2. B6 itfurlher enacted, 4.c.; That the Assessors of taxes in the
 'iaknof. several Parishes of this State, shall be paid the amounts to which they
 es-       may be  entitled as compensation for their services, and making out the
           Tablcaux of taxes according to existing laws, upon the warrant of' the
           Clerks of' the District Courts except in the Parish of New Orleans, the
           Assessors in which said Parish shall be paid upon the warrant of the
when In orce. President of the General Council.
             Sn~c. 3. Be  it fjrther enacted, J-c. ; That this act siall be in force
           from and after its passuge.
                        (Signed)             PRESTON      W.  FARRAR.
                                       Speaker of the House of Representatives.
                        (Signed)                    TRASIMON LANDRY,
                               Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate.
             Approved,  15th February, 1817.
                        (Signed)                     ISAAC   JOINSON,
                                            Governor of the State of Louisiana.

           No. 42.]                     AN   ACT
           To appropriate a certain surn of 3loney for the purchame of machinery for the Louisiana
                               Penitentiary and for other purpuses.
             SECTION  1.  Be ij1 Cnacted by the Senate and Hlousc of Representatiees
   Approprin- of the State efLouisiana, in General Assembly concned, That the suim
ties for the o l                                             prpitd      ttimt
  i of thirty of thirty sevei tliouand dollars be aind is hereby appropriated, and the
an    lo.  Treasurerotcthe State is hereby authorized to pay th e :,Ite oil the war.
           m ar ort o thePresident ofthe l3iard of I)irectors ofthe Louisiana Penitenti.
           aty, for the fillowing purposev. and in tho fIllowintg miatinner.
             Suc. 2.   Be it further enacted, &c., That the sum oftwelve thousand
   Apprpra dollars is appropriated 1r the purpose of finishing the building now being
tb ind t   built the the use of the Peniiiitiary in pursuance of aii act passed by the
arorni. Legislature   at their list session cighteen hundred and fialy.tive [tll plani
111L it certin~  rf~~iii  tllr~ i
i~ii    'ow       i    red   by the Board of Directors, and sevefal Committees of
m    'euis- the Ligi lature] and the thirtiher sumit of, twenty.five thOUilSad 00lolars to le
try.        pprpriated to thev purchae o! and  puin lg inl operiation Maclinery for
      ,a-the  .1antetuire of cotton and woollen goods, the Machinery3 ti hi litrtllha1ed
III  Itu   togereter witht that now ill use ill the Ienitentiary to be renoved to, and
(1-hi11a r i ',,  thee
pl'rcl'qv  put up in tbo new bulding, as soon as the same shall he completed, under
hi.linery. tie superintendance ati direiiiitn of the prtelt Lesses.
             &ec. 0.  Be  it furthcr enacted, &c.; That fifteen thousand dollars of

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