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An Act to incorporate the Jefferson and Lake Pontchartrain Rail Way Company. 1840 83 (1840)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0224 and id is 1 raw text is: 83

ourts raghoi; gulate by a rule of Court the mode of setting causes for
Axing of causes. trial in their respective Courts.
(Signed)                  WM. DEBUYS,
Speaker of the louseof Representatives.
(Signed)                 FELIX GARCIA,
President of the Senate.
Approved March 25th, 1840.
(Signed)                 A. B. ROMAN,
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
[No. 79.]-AN ACT
To incorporate the Jelthrson and Lake Pontchartrain Rail Way Company.
r1uinAs the establishmeut of a Rail way from Car-
rreame.  roliton to Lake Pontchartrain would produce great ad-
vraitages and enefits to the Parish of Jefoerson and the
State generally, therefore
SElcTIoN 1. Be it enucted by the Senate and House
of Representativcs of the Stale of Louisiana in Gene-
rail: Issedibly convecnd, That D. F. iurthIe, Georgoe B.
Odenl, Edward Yorke, G. 1allard, George Merrick,
Corporion liboert Layton, Henry U. Palfrey and their associates,
create                                                        I
successors anid assigns are herel)v created a body corpo-
Titleanmpow. rate Under the uine of the Jelferson and Lake Pont-
Vs.       cutartrain 11ail Way Conupanyand by that name may sue
itnd[ be sted, plead and be inipleaded, make contracts and
have lmpetual succession, shall possess and enjoy all
the riglits. privilegres and iiuinunities of a corporation or
body politic, niake bve-laws and regulations, not being
contrary to law, shall have power in law and equity to
puirchase, acceupt, hold, sell, lease, convey estates, real,
personil or iixed, mortgage, possess build and improve
any property moveable, or ininoveable, situated in the
Parish of Jefferson.
SeCr. 2. c it fiirther cnacted, s-c., That the capital
Amount ofn. stock of said Company shall be one hundred thousand
astack.   dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each
S*-cu. 3. Be it filther enacted, L4c., That the above
iianmed conunissioners or a majority of them may cause
Sobscription looks to be openedxi at sicI places as they may direct,
,        iniuneiiately alier the p asser of' this Act for the purpo
when,      of rcei ving subscriptions to tihe capital stock of said
Company after having given at least ten days notice in
two of the newspapers of New Orleans of the time and

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