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An Act to amend an act entitled, an act to amend an act entitled an act supplementary to an act for the punishment of crimes and misdemeanors, and other supplementary acts. 1830 128 (1830)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0152 and id is 1 raw text is: RESOLUTION.
14AcsUvd by t4e -senate and house of representatives of the ,aA of Ltouislanq
hx general assembly convened, That the district attorney of tha second distr.ct be,
ind he is hreby iostructed to institute a suit against the commi-sioners appointed to
contract for and superintend the erection of a state-hquse at Donaldsonvlie, for the
recovery of such sirn of money as they may have received from the treasurer of the
state, in conformity to the provisions of an aot approved February the nineteenth.
eighteen hundred and twenty-five; and which spm has not been expended mathe man-
ner directed by said act. And irthe decision of the courts in said suit shall be in favor
6f iid commissioners, that be institute suit against such person or persons a, may :inve
rendered themselves liable in damages or otherwise, for the noon-perthrmalco if any
contract which may have been entered into by them for building the said stafe ,ionse.
1?esolved fisrther, That the persons thus proceeded against shall have t ight -o
plead in reconvention, or to-institute against the state ha the disttict court of the first
district, by citation on the attqrtey general, -any suit arising out of the same subject
And resolved further, That the scoretary of etate shal transmit to that officer a
copy of these resolqttons within tiirty dAys after the passage of the same.
4. B. ROMAN, Snealvr of the houseofrenresentatives.
XBAAC A. SMITH, President of the senate, pro tem.
Approved, March 16th, 130.                            JACQUES DUPRE,
Acting governor of tote sutc of Lotaz init
AN ACT to amend an act entitlei, 'au act -a amend an act entitled an act sup-
plementary to an act for the punishrm: of crimes ard misdemeanors, and other
Convicted    supplementar ns, passed on the 20th M--rch. 1818, approved Mrch 5th, 183. ,
shVes how    SEcTieo  1 -We it enacted by the senate dnd house of representatives of the slate ofe
laidtor    Louisiana in general assembly convened, That the panent of the vaiue oi tue slave
or siaves, whose sentence may have been commuted as pro% ided by the act aforv.and,
or who shall have been sentenqed to perpetual imprisonmen, shall be effected by the
state Treasuret to the owner or owners of said slave or slaves, on the *urrent of the
parish judge of the parish where the trial shall hae taken place, in favour of thL
2stiviso a owner or owners of said stavep; provided the said warrant be accompanied with a cee.
tified copy of the sentence of the court convened for the trial of said slave or slaves,
ited with a certified copy of the appraisement made in conformity to law: and the
owner of any slave whose sentence shall have been couauted, within the year next
preceding the adoption of this act, and whWp value ahatb not yet hve beeni rald by
the state, shall have a right to demand and receive from the state Treasurer the
payir.eat of the soine, on cotaplying with %he prayisions of this sectio.l
ty -of thil   Sec. 2. Be it further qnacted 4. That the owner pr owners of slaves, previously
onevitr of  to receiving the .payment of the value therpof, as provided byj the foregorag section,
slaes,con. shall convey to the state, his. her, or their rights and titles of property tp said slave
Victed:     or slaves; and the state Tieasurer is hereby authorised to receive the same, so the
narme and-fo the use of the state, provided said slave or slaves shall be conveyedsto the
public prison in the city of New-Orleans, at the expense of the owner or owners
Seec. 3. And be itfurther enated 4-c. That the treasurer of the state be, and he.
Tropsurer is hereby autiboriied to hare such slaves to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of
lNew-Orleansor others, on such termeas may he, most advantageous to the state, ant
toseceive the hire of said slawes.
Speoc  t .La Iuse ofaspresentatives:-
P*rcsident of the senate, pro tem.
4pprovedMarch 16tb 1830.                   JACQUES DUPRE,
Acting governor of the state of Louisiam -

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