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An Act to amend the act entitled the Black Code or an act prescribing the rules and conduct with respect to negroes and other slaves of this Territory. 1816 146 (1816.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0078 and id is 1 raw text is: AN ACT
For the relief of Francisco Garcia del Fierre.
Be it enailed by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives
of the State of Lourfrana in general afembly convened ; That
the State of Louifiana abandons to Francilco Garcia del Fier-
Conditions.   ro all the rights, intereft or claim which they have to a mu-
latto flre named Marcos, which the (aid Francifco Garcia del
Fier o ihall carry the faid flave Marcos out of this State with.
_n fi:: months from the psiing hereof.

Not witnef-
fes for or againft
Or free peo.
ple of colour.
Shooting or

Eoifon and

Speaker of the Houfr of Reprefentatives.
N. MERIAM, Prejfdent of the Senate.
Approvel, March 19th. 1816.
Governor of the State of Louifana.
To amend the art entitled the Black Code cr an act prescrib-
ing the rules and conduct with respect to negroes and
other slaves of thia Territorq.
SECT. I.   Be it ena~led by the Senate and Houfe of
Reprefentatives of the State of Louifiana in general aiembly
convened;   That no flave fhat be admitted as a witnies either
an civil or criminal matters for or againft a white perfon.
SECT. 2. And be it further enafled ;     That no
flave fhall be admitted as a witners either in civil or criminal
matters for or againft a free perfon of colour, except in cafe
fuch free individual be charged vith having ratfed or at-
tempted to raife an infurreaion among the flaves of this State,
or adhering to them by giving them aid or comfort in any
knanner whatfoever.
Srcu. 3. And be it further enacted : That if a
flave fhall fhoot at or flab any perfon w th an intent to kill
4im or her, fuch flave on convialon of either of faid offenc',
thall fuffer death ; pTovided alwav', thit the preflmption as
to the intent (hall be againft fuch flave unlefs he (hall prove
the contrary.
SECT. 4.    And be itfurther enaaled; That if a lave
fhanl attempt to poifon any pefon or perdon;, or to fet fi-c to
a dweling hofe or other building, fuch flve on cony 6000
thereof thall be imprifonedin irons and at hard labour for life.

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