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An Act to regulate the police of jails and public prisons within the several parishes of this State. 1816 24 (1816.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0074 and id is 1 raw text is: 24    ]
fbrms prefcribed by the law for the ele&ion of reprelenta.
tives and that the Governor fhall on the firfi of May next iffue
his proclamation for holding eleffions, for the number of
reprefentatives determined by this .6t, which faid eleffion
When held     fhall take place on the firft Monday of July next and th- two
next enfuing days far reprelentatives, for the fenators whole
time of fervice thall have expired and for a governor of the
SEc. 3. And be it-further enaEled ; That all laws
Repealing anterior to this aft and relative to elefaons, fhall remain in
clause          force in as much as they fhall not be contrary to this aft.
Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefestatives.
N. MERIAM, Prefident of the &nate.
Approved, March 5th. 1816.
Governor of the State of Lourfiana.
To regulate the police of jails and public prifons within the feveral
parishes of this State
SEc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of
Reprefentatives of the State of Louifiana in general afembly con-
Police juries vened ; That the police juries in each and every parifh of
to make by.     this state, fhall have power to pafs fuch by-laws and regula.
laws.           tions, is they (hall deem expedient for the police and *ood
government of the jails and public prifons in their parihes
refpeaively ; to fix the manner in which run-away negroes,
and fuch other flaves as may be lodged therein by their
owners, fhall be applied to public works as direaed by the
28th fettion of the Black Code, and alfo to establifh the rates
Establish fees of fees to be charged by fheriffs and jailors for the faf: keep-
ing and maintenance of the (aid flaves, when unable to wo:k,
or difpenfed with doing it at the exprefs request of their
Sec. 2. Andbeitfurtherenaled;. That whenever
a flave fhall be apprehended, he fhall be taken before the
Run-aways parifh judge or justice of the peace, the least distant from the
slaves h w pro- place of fut h apprehenfion; who after due inquiry, as to the
ceeded with     name and christian name of fuch flave,'and of the owner
thereof, and after caufing the place where fuch flave was ar-
rested to be proved by a certificate of the nearest inhabitant
agreeably to the 27th fefion of the Black-Code, fhall iflue a
written order to the theriff or jailor of the (aid parith requir-
ing him to receive the faid flave in his fafe custody ; and fhall
fTate in faid order the name and christian name of fuch flave,

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