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An Act to emancipate certain slaves, and for other purposes. 1812 100 (1812.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0049 and id is 1 raw text is: iamme  nd the subscriber -of the sild share 6 bares
Shall oi'felt all right to anyr mney,he maliave pa.c
on account thereof, is the 'ade'inay be.
STEPHPN A. HOP        lN'S
Sfeeaerof the house of rep re dni e
Presie t of he Aenate.
Adrn~vE, February 19th, 1813
'Governor of the state of Louisiana.
:.2 b enanfciate certain slaye, andfor other purfioaes.;
SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the eehate and house, f
reftreeentativea of f./e state of Louisianai' in general
cs veanbly cont'ened Thakthe slaves'called Charles be-
longing to  . atour,    ewis belonging to Waters
Clirk,. _an  Sansnomn belonging' to Girard,- shall be
Slave e- and the same ar hereby ematncipated. as 'a reward of.
maiiciad their fdelity and for the discovery they have made
Of, ceitain 'plots;  tiea terling tle tranquility of the
state, in consequence ofwhich it shall be the dpty of.
How paid, the statetreasurr t6 pay to L. Latour the sum of one
for..   . thousand dollars; to Waters Clark the suin of eight
hundred dollars;. toGirard the sum of twelie hundred
dollab,, amount of the estimate of tiheir.:respective
slaves, out of any public monies not otherwise appro-
riated.. -        '  -'.      ..     ..
Ap    pr    SECT. 2. .dnd be it further enacted, That the a-
tigh..     foresaid sums shall be paid to each of the above name4
persons on the warrant of the governor.
f eakei*Oft/e housesqf repreaentativee..
President of t/le senate.
APPROvED, February 25tli, 1813.i
Goverto*i' ofthe state qf loiisana.
.         . . AN ACT
:To esta&IW? a.fzermanent,,z  6f ja4tice in the parish
bf Feliciana, and  'r Wther purposed.
Szt:. 1. Be it enacted #y the Renate and house ofrt-
presentative. fthe state of Louisiana, in general as-
Commis senibly 'cos veid . That William Ratcliff, William
igoner      Lewis, rson carthi'Lewis Ddvis'and William Sil-
liman,' sliall be and are hereby. appointed commidtiott-
ers, the said coin'iissi6iers to meet at the  o6rt-
house in St.Franiville.6i thi4 first 'Mnday in Wy

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