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An Act to equalize the tax on Slaves in the several counties in this State. 1864 22 (1864.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0554 and id is 1 raw text is: PUBLIb   LAWS.--'IAxES.
Earporty deutruys. by the public enemy-Tin for collection of Taxei extended-Tax on Saiive*. *
(No. 10.),
At act declarcaorU of the true inttnt and meaning of an act, entird Ani
act to lery and collect a tax on wt incomes and profits, assented to 14th
Dec. 1863.
1. SATION I. Be it lactcd, 4o., That the true intent and imean-
atd bying of the above recited act, was to levy. and collect a tax on the
net incomes and profits made in the purchase and sale of real and
>* r. personal property ; and that the Comptroller General is hereby
directed to remit all taxes which have been assessed.or collected,
when satisfactory proof shall be made to the Comptroller General,
that said tax has beeni assessed and collected contrary to this act.
SE. 11. Repeals conflitting laws.
Assented to Nov. 1Sth, 1864.
(No. 11.)
An act for the re/id' o Tax Paycrs, on property lost, dstroy(ld or re1 a-
dercd ra//css by the public enemy, or by order (y the coniuaindilg
Genierals of' the Con/cdcrate Army.
2. SEcrion I. Be it cnacted, Ts*., ''hat alil property lost, de-
,-stroyed or rendered valueless by reason 01 the public enemy, or
fieven do- by order of the Commanding Generals of the Confederate Army,
stry   before the tax on it is paid, shall be relieved from taxation ; Prod-
use. emy orP
bym oriso ded, the tax payer, in cases where the property has been given
Ven**ai in, shall make oath that lie has.ljust reason tu believe, and actually
does believe, that the samne vas so lost, destroycd or rendered
-valueless by the public enemy, or by order of the Comnuauding
Generals of the Confederate Army.
SEC. 11. Repeals conflicting laws.
Approved Nov. ISth, 1 06*.
(No. 12.)
A' (let to eriend the time .;r the coJllection 0/' Tares due Iy thr ci-
z :cus n/' this State, and for other puitposes.
3. SrcnIow I. The General AssCndd/y, efthis State do (nart, Tht
rimeetni-the time for the collection of the Taxes, and the settlement
od for ct I ~Ct
' with the Comptroller General by the several Tax Collectors of this
State, be extended to the first day. of March next.
SEC. II. Repeals conflicting laws.
Assented to Nov. I4, 1S64.
(No. 1s.)
An act t equalize the tax on Slares in the sercral countics in this State.
WHEREAS, From an qxhibit in the Comptroller General's Re-
port, it appears there 'is a great' want of uniformity in the valua-

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