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Resolutions to authorize the impressment of free negroes, as well as slaves. 1862 108 (1862)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0541 and id is 1 raw text is: tos                       RESOLUTIONS.
H14u. T. Butler King.-Trnmportati1on  of Snit.-inspreotuent of Pr'  Negro-F.
(No. 2o.)
lbsolution r(aiir tO reioniilsaiting Ilon. Toimas IButhr King for cer-
/(I it inolcys c.rp ind/d bY him iwhile on 1,;. sl:s.ion to Europe os (I Corn-
mi sion r jaM t Matc !/ e ocf(rgia.
lo/rd ILi, That tihe  lonorable Tlioma4 Butler King be, and
- he is hereby relieved homu1n nil liability which he may have incur-
red by drawing a draft f4r twienty-fiVe hundred dollars on thdt Gov-
crnor of this State, for the purpose of defrayi ng his expenses il-
curr1 i ed inl i mi.ssioni to Elurope ; anl that the sum of four hundred
dollars be refihnled to hint for that amloluuit paid out by him, of lis
ownl fiiuds, its expensies of said mission.
/josvo/d 2d, That thie slumn of tweity-live hoouiidred dollars ought
to he appropriated is a salary to be paid to tihe IlIon. Tht omas But-
ler King, in colpen-ation for his very valuable servieces rendered
to this State and the country, during his mission to Europe.
Iti' d .W, That said stints he included in the 'Qeneral Appro-
ptriini Bill.
Assented to 1)ereiber 1, lIG-.
(No. 21.)
lin oe'd by ti  ('n eal Asam  ibly iy' thc Stair o  Ge mtoria, That
i Excellency t1e 0 overinor is aulthorized and requested to havo
asia t belong'ing to citizens of this State, brought from Saltvillo
and other places ini Virgin ia, Tennessee and Alabama, so soon as
the mine can he done; and that he continue so to do, so long as
sllt, may accui ulate at Saltvillc, or other places, belonging to
citizens of' Georgia.
2. 1itc.,ared, That, in case he shall not be able otherwise to ob-
taui transportation for such salt, lie is authorized and empowered
to impress a sullicient number of eigines and cart belging to
any one or more of the railroads of this State, to flirnish such
transportation, paying therefor such compensation as shall be rea-
sonable and just ; Providcd, that the persons for the transportation
of' whose salt any cars may be seized and used, shall pay the ex-
penses incurred by such use ; Providrd further, that said cars shah
not be used forthe transportation of salt belonging to speculators.
Assented to December 4th, 1862.
(No. !2.)
Itu(alutins to authorize the imp1ressient f fice utgroev, a1. wll aSha's.
tesolrcd iby the (hiseral Assembly of Georgia, That the resolutiona
', .passed. Lat this session, authorizin g the Governor, when necessary
Sto itimpress negroes to work on the defences around Savainah, and
to obstruct the rivers, were intended to embrace as well free De-
groes ns slaves ; and that the Goternor is authorized, when neces-
sary, to impress all free negroes for the purposes aforesaid, on the
same terms and conditions as slaves are authorized to be im-

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