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An Act to consolidate and amend the several acts incorporating the town of Cartersville, in the county of Cass. 1859 142 (1859)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0491 and id is 1 raw text is: 142       LOCAL    AND     PRIVATE     LAWS-CITIES ND TOWNS.
':11 t' ;g' fourteenth sections of the act of 1859, tbe and the same are hereby
e-rJL   repealed.
mz  f Wt  17. SEC. XVrr. And be it furthr enacted, That the third section
of the act of 1857 be repealed. t
rnd  18. SEC. XVII. And be it further enacted, -That the Mayor and
Th-,rnI Council of the town of Thomasville§ shallhave power to grant li-
llR rFhult TI *
aIN1- conse to retail spirituous liquors, in thesaid town of Thomasville;
Jprodded, that not nore than   one hundred dollars be charged fpr
said license.
L1ttsof   19. SEc. XIX. And be it further enacted, That the boundary lim-
Tillo its of said town of Thomnsville shall be changed, so as not to inclu-
do thelnuds and dwellings of William McLendon, now a resident of
said town.
Src. XX. Repeals conflicting laws.
Approved, December 14th, 1859.
t Is nct this a mistake ?
t This section seems to refer to an Act incorporating the town of Carnesville, but as
there was no Act passed in 1857, in relation to Carnesville. Is it not the in-
tention of this section to repeal a portion of an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act td
ameand the Act incorporating the town of Thomasville &c.; Approved March 6,1856; As-
sented to, December 22, 1857, pam. 165-6-7? The same question may be propounded
as to section 16th of this Act.
\Thomnsvillo incorporated 1831, pam. 227; Charter amended 18392, pam. 203; Revi-
ved 1847, pam. 30; amended, 1854, pam. 214; Also 1850, pam. 345; Also 1857, paun.
See. 1, Commissioners.             I Sec. S. Retail license; Not to exceed
2. When and how elected. Voters I        $110; May finepersons selling
sworn,                              with~out license; By-laws.
3. Powers of Commissioners. Offi-   9. May tax'n Pin Alleys, Bl-
cers.                              liards, &c. How collected.
4. Jurisdiction of Commissioners.  10. Slaves, free persons of color,&c.
Patrol. Road, &c.                   Hogs, dogs, mules, &c., at
5. May levy a tax. and for what          large in streets of said town.
6. May fine; imprison; Atas J.PI    11. Residence of James Milner ex-
7. Poll tax. Not to exceed $5,          CReafilrle  Corporation of
(No. 173.)
An, Act to consolidate and awend the several acts incorjorntin the town Of
C9rtersville, in the county Afl Cass.
1. SECTION 1. Be it enacted, ~v1., That from and after the passage of
this nct, George J. Howard, John J. Jones, W. J. Williford, Jesse
emr. B. Latngston, and E. M. Field, be and they are hereby      appointed
Commissioners of the town of Cartersville, in the etty of Cass,
and shall continue in office until their successors areo elected aex-
qualified, according to tie provisions of this act.
hn 2. SEC. II. And be itfrther enacted, That o the second Monday
hoAectea in Januasy, 1860, and on the second Monday in January, in every
year thereafter, it shall be lawful for all persons, inhabitants, with-
1 in the limits of said town, entitled to vote for members of the Geo-
W ral Assembly, to assemble at some convenient place in said town,

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