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An Act to alter and amend an Act entitled an Act to alter and amend an Act for the better regulation of the town of Monticello, in the county of Jasper, and to authorize the Commissioners of the town of Forsyth to pay a Marshal. 1851-1852 432 (1851)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0387 and id is 1 raw text is: 432            CITIES AND TOWNS-1851.-'2.
Town of Monticello.
persons violating the ordinances of said Intendant and
Commissioners, passed in nursuance of the power granted
by this section, sihall, in addition to the penali ty prescribed
by said Intendant and Commissioners, be subject to all the
paiis and penalties to which persons are noV subject by
law for retailing liquor without license.
SEC. IV. Be it further enacted, That said Intendant
on, of 1 and Conunissioners, on entering office, shall take the fol-
ani lowing oath      You, as Intendant, (or Conunissioner, as the
$i<on. case may be,) of the town of LaGrange, shall well and
truly adopt and pass such laws and ordinances as you shall
deem  best for the health, peace, and well being of said
town, and shall enforce the same to the best of your skill
and ability-So help you God.
Repealing  Sm. V. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts
ela.    of laws militating against this Act, be and the same are
hereby repealed.
(No. 209.)
AN ACT to alter and amend an Act entitled an Act to alter and
amend an Act for tho better regulation of the town of Monti.
cello, in the county of Jasper, and to authorize the Commis-
sioners of' the towni of' ForSytl to pay a Marshal. Approved,
Januarv 22, 1952.
SyrrmoN I. Be it enacted by the Senate anctlouse qf
Representatives of the State rf Georgia in General As-
semble met, and it is liereby enacted 'by the authoritY (f
lim   n. ,.thesamne, Tlutt thme coIrporate limits cf said town be ex-
tended so as to include the late residence of Thomas Riv-
crs, now property of J. J. W. Cargile.
Stea. II. 1o it enacted, That the Conuissioners of said
on.cror  town, or a majority of them, shall be vested with full piow-
owon. or and authority, itmi time to tinme, to make and establish
such by-laws, rules and ordinances, respecting the streets,
public buildings, markets, public houses, tippling shops,
and retailers of spirits, public pumps or wells, tlhe regula-
tion of disorderly people, negro slaves, and fro persous of
color, residing within the corporate limits of said town, or
while visiting the samne, and in general every other by-law

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