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An Act to alter and amend the twelfth section of the thirteenth division of the Penal Code of this State, and for other purposes therein contained. 1851-1852 268 (1851)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0378 and id is 1 raw text is: 268   PENAL LAWS-coD, THIRTEENTHU DIVISON.-1S51-'2.
Cruel treatment to Slaves.
(No 164.)
An Act to alter anu aimend the twclfth section of thethirtcnthdivision
ofthe Penal Codc ofthis State, and for othcr purposes therein con-
tained. Approved, .anuary 1, 1851.
6. S    . I. l1e it enactcd bY  the Snate (nl 1ouse (?f
Reresentatives qf the State y(,f (eorgia in General As-
sembly ?act, (I  it Is 1trchy enacted biy illt- uthoi;ty f
the 'Sam,) That the twelill . ctioni of the thirteenth di-
vision of the Penial Code of this State, be and the same is
hereby so altered and aniediled, as to read aIs followS,
to wit:* any owner, overseer, or employer of a slave orcnd C ml
slaves, vho i-hall cruelly treat such  ave or laves b  un-
nlecesary and excessive whipping., hInting, cutting or
WIound1(inug, or by cruelly autnd Iliece'sarily bitingor tearing
with dlog.,, by withiholdin , proper food and susltiance, by
r-2qjuiring greater labor from  such slave or slaves luitai lhe,
She, Or they are able to perlorm, or by not atIhrding p 0roper
clothing for suich slai o or slaves, whereby the health of
such slave or slaves may be injured and impaired, or Calise
or permit I tIe sante to be done, shall be guilty of a inisdeo-inwaean.
meanor, and onl convicti ion thereof diall. lie punishied by r'unhment.
floo or imluprisonmnelnt in the canllon jail of the county, or
both, at the discretion of the Court.
Sie. If. And b, it 'utithce (atwed bU the authority      e
aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws mnilitating Hume.
against this Act, be and the same am e hereby repealed.
* Ths o e~ubontintets  overswom- ard  als- hevnting, enttingv, or wound-
ing, or by  Irulellv, avid tuniniec arily  ltg or tearing v  thdogs, on the originl
section.  ,!e  Nev Digost  '7

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