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An Act to incorporate the town of Cumming, in the county of Forsyth, and to repeal all other acts, and parts of acts, appertaining to the incorporation of the same, to make certain the corporate limits of the same, to point out the duties of the Commissioners to be appointed for the government of said town, and for the appointment and regulation of patrols, and for the preservation of public property, shade tress, etc., and for the prevention of encamping, and for the prevention and removal of nuisances, to regulate the working of public streets, for the suppression of fights, affrays, riots and disturbances of the public peace, for the appointment of a Marshal, Marshal to arrest for affrays, riots, fights, and so forth, fines and penalties to be paid into the town treasury, for the appointment of a treasurer, for the regulation of the residence of slaves, and for taxing shows and exhibitions, for the appointment of a Tax Collector and Receiver of Tax Returns for said town, and requiring Commissioners to make a report at the end of each year, and for taxing itinerant traders in goods, wares, merchandise, jewelry, etc. 1845 125 (1845)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0340 and id is 1 raw text is: INCORPORATIONS.

hI indelted, at any one time, for a greater amount than ono
half of' their capital stock.
Sea. (1. And b itfurther enacted bit the authority aforc-
sid, ''hat all lawni and parts of' laws contrary to this act, are
hereby repealed.
SrApprored, December 271h, IS15.
AN ACT to incorporate the town~of Utunming, in the county
of Forsyth, and to repeal all other acts, aid parts of acts,
appertaining to the ilcorplratioln of the same, to make cer-
tain the corporate limiits of the same, to point out the duties
of the Comnimissioners to be appointcd tor the government of
said town, and lbr tie appointment and regulation of* patrols;
and for the prescrvation of public property, shade trees, &c.,
and for the prevoultion of encamping, and for the provcntiol
and removal of nisance, to regulate the working of' public
streots, 1or thin mippression of fights, affrays, riots and distur-
hances of the public peace, fotr the appointment of a Mar-
shal, M'arshal to arrest for affrays, riots, fights, and so forth,
flues and penalties to be paid into the town treasury, for the
appointment of a treasurer, tor the regulation of the residence
of' slave;, and thr taxin- shows and exhibitions, f'or the ap-
pointn~nt of a Tax Collector and Receiver of Tax Returns
for said town, and requiring Commissioners to make a report
at the elnud of each vear, and for taxing itinerant traders in
roods, wares, merchandise, jewelry. &c.
Scnov 1. Pl0 )it ,,mvv!Id by the R.nmate and f FHouse] qif Rep-
ropJntftires of the N/ait o/' tGrornia in G neral Assembly mnet.
Mnd it ii hernhU eited by the atih/eority qf the same, That
HeItry I,. Sim:, NonIi Strong, Artlur Emrvin, William T. P'os-
tor and Major .1. 1 wis. anl their surea-sors in oiice, shall be,
and thloy are lereby mlade Commuuissioniers of the town of Cun-
ming. and shall have full power and authority to pass all
ly-laws, rules and reglat ions whiel may he necessarv for
the -overnment of said town. the good order and health of the
S    .  An. n ? b it /'mfth-re n(art-Iby the authorit! afore--
wridl, That the said Commissioners shall continue in oflice unt-
til th'i sruOnd Monday in January, eighteen hundred and forty-
eight (It which day, and on the second Mond:iy in January,
biennially. thereafter, all the free white citizens of said town,
who shall be entitled to vote for memhers of the ceneral As-
sombly, shall assemhlde at tihe Court House in said town and,
by hallot, elect five other Conimissioners, who shall continue in
office two years, and shall be re-eligible; and that said elec-


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