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Resolution of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia. 1836 27 (1836)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0282 and id is 1 raw text is: RESOLUTIONS.


'Plle committee oil Fiince, to whom was referred the corn-
muniation of the Conipt roller General, giving a statement
of the receipts and dishrsements at the 'Trc'usury, dultring
the political year eighteen lihundred and thirty-six, have per-
formed that duty, and having examined into the books of the
illivc of said Comptroller Genetal, containing the receipts
nid dislairsements, and find that the Books are kept ill a
neat and legible innter, and ini the opinion of your conmit-
tee, does credit to that olicer.
'The receipts froni all sources, for the said year, to-wit
From the thirty-litst of October 18:35, to the 31st of October
831, incilusive, ailoti ns to -287,0(6 SD cents ; and tihe dis-
holirsellent for Ile Sline year, aliouints to $24, 17  79 cents,
which leaves ini tile 'Treasury ;2,889 10 cents, as will more
tilly appear from  tile Tabular statement rtmished by tile
said Comptroller General, and herewith slibillitted, which
stateimenit your conunitt fee ouid to correspondwith the books
inl said ollice.
In thlloseoof Repiresnativesngireced to, 1st Dec. 1836
Speaker of the Ilouse of Representatives.
Attcst-Josiu Srunals, Clerk.
Il Senate, coiciutrred in,20th Dec. 1836.
President of the Senate.
Attest-Jon  'U' Lr.un, Secretary.
'The committee to whom was referred tihe petition of the
citizens of Joties county, ill relation to tie execution or a ac-
gro man Itarry, the property of Charlotte Harrison, for at-
tempting to commit a rape upon  a free white fenmale of said
county, on the Ilight of the 7th 1)cemiber, 1,1!33, and was
execited onl the lothii day of January 1834.
IHave had the same inder consideration, and beg leave to

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