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An Act, amendatory of the several acts, incorporating the Town of Milledgeville, so far as to declare the same to be a city; to enlarge the powers, and more particularly, the jurisdiction of said incorporation. 1836 90 (1836)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0279 and id is 1 raw text is: 90


aind enforce all ordinances which they may pass in obedience
to their incorporate powers, and punish all oflenders for a vio-
lation thereof ; hereby repealing all laws ant parts of lauis,
militating against this act.
Speaker of the I lotise of' lie presentatives.
President of the Senate.
Assented to, Dec. 21, 1 836.
Amendatory of the several acts, incorporating thi Town of
M1illedgeville, so far as to declare the same to lie a city: to
enlarge the powers, and more particularly, the jiurisdiction
of said incorporation.
S ic. 1st. lc it enacted l/ the Senate and  liouse )f Rep-
resentatires of the State of Georgia in Gcneral assmnblyj nl,
and it is hr reby enaded yi t/ie authority qf the same, That
from and alftr t6e passage of thiii acit, the town of Al illedge-
ville, shall be called and known, as the city of' Alilledgeville.
St,:c. 2. And be itfr rther enacted, That the present Intendant
andtl Conunissioners of said incorporation, he, and they are
hereby authorized to lay off, a soon as practicable, after tihe
passage of' this act, the said city, into six wards, in such shape
and formn, as will give to each ward, as ear as is attainable,
an equal domiciliated poputlationi; which wards shall be estab-
lisied by their ordinance, and publication thereof he made,
and which wards shall be simbJect to such alteration, in forim or
size, as tihe Mayor and Aldermen at any futire period may
deem absolitely assential, to give eflect to tihe equality of popl-
ulation contemplated among the several wards.
Sr. 3d. And be it further enarled, That it shall moreover
le the duty of' the present Intendant and Commissioners, above
referred to, by public and general notice, to iiform the citi-
zens of' Milledgeville, an(d those within the corporate limits, of'
such alterations in the wards, and to invite the voters to
convene at the Court hmotuse in the city of Milledgeville, be-
tween the honrs of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P. A. on
the first Saturday in January next, for the election of six Alder-
men, in lieu of an Intendant and Commissioners, as heretofore;

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