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An Act to regulate slaves and free persons of colour in the towns of Clinton and Macon. 1829 176 (1829)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0216 and id is 1 raw text is: S LAYS.

.AN ACT to regulate sinves and tree personis of colour inl the
towns of, Clinton aind Macol.
.Be it enared by the Sm/en and House of Represenftives of
/ie S/ate of Gerg~ia, in Gueral/  Asmm-li nti, and it is herehy
enaHed by the anithrily if le suwe, That fiom and after
the passage of this net, it shoall not Ie hi thilfor any slave or
free person of colour to keep a house of entertainleit, or to
vend aily goods, Wares, me imldize, spirituous liquors, or
provisions, for their own profit, (other than111 what is allowed
by the oxistinZ law s of this State,) withinf he1 corporate limits
of the town of Clinton.
Sec. 2. And be it furiher enacted, Thaiit no slive shall
be allowed to hire his or her time from his or her owner or
mniager, nor shall any slave he allowed to work or carry on
any traflic upon his or her own niccount, or for the purpose of
procuring a livelihood, or rai sing money to pa.y his or her hire
wnges, within the limits aforesuid.
Sec. 3. And be itfurher rirted, That it slkill not he law-
fil for any person haiving the ownership or imanagemnent of
any slave or slaives, to sull'ei such sinie or slaves to hire
his, her, or their tine, or to go at large seeking employient
at the discretion of' such slure or slaves, withini the limits
aforesanid, nor sill it he iwothl for any person to hire any
slave and perut such slat e to work or earry on any business
of traille, foi his or ler own benefit or account, within the
limits aforesaid.
Sec. 4. And be it fur/hcr enaced, That it shall not he
lawful for tmy persoli being the owner or having the man-
genient or control of anly house or tiiencielt in said
towns, to rent the same to any slave or free person of' co-
lour, or to suffer ainy free person of colour, or slave, not
his or her own propert% to orcnpy tihe saine, nor shall it lie
lawfll for any owner or imnager of any slnvo to permit such
slave to live in any house or t enaent in said towns, uniless the
same be a kitceln or out-louse wit hin the enclosed premises
whercon said owner or munager resides.
Sec. 5. And be it further enaced, That any white per,
son offending aainst the provisions of this act, siall
he liable to be preseuted or indicted before the supo-
rior court for such offence, an( on conviction thereof.

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