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An Act to incorporate the Town of Perry, in Houston county, and to define the duties and authority of the commissioners of the same. 1828 159 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0201 and id is 1 raw text is: T'OW4.

AN ACT to incorporate tho Town of Perry, in Houston county,
and to define the duties and authority oftthe comissioners at
the same.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativs of itA
State of Georgia, in Gerferal./issembly met, and it is herby cuacted
by the autlkrity of the same, That Giles ID. Taylor, James M.
Kelly, F. W. Jobson, James E. Duncan, and Allen Chastain are
hereby appointed coinuniAsioners of said towi, and shall continue
in office, until successors are appointed accordiigto the provi.-
siwns of this act.
Sec. 2. And be itfurther enacted by ihe authority aforesaid, That
-on the first Monddy in January, eighteen hundred and thirty, and
to the first Monday in January, it every year thereafter, nil persons,
inhabitants of sinid towp, or residing within six hundred yards of
the court-house square in said town, entitled to vote for sniibers to
the General Assembly, shall assemble at the court-hous, in mid
-town, and by ballot, elect five comimissioiiers, who shill colitinue ill
oflice for one year, and until successors are clected, ut which dec
tion, any two of the Justices of tie InfeIrior court, ar two of the
Justices of the Peace of snid county, not being theni olves caidi:-
dates, shall preale, and if it shall so haappe'i, thit at-i a l ctlo
shall not take plaet on the day hereu appointed, any one or, more
of the Justices or the Inferior court, or Justices of the Peace for
said county, may afterwards, by giving ten days public notice, hold
the same in manner herein directed ; and in case of the death, re-
signation, or removal of any of said coinunissioners, tht.y remnining
coninussioners shall have poeir to fill such vacanicy, ill tihe next
onuanad clectiou.
Sc. 1 .ad be it enacted 1b1 the authority aforesaid, Thin .it 0hi not
be lawful fof any of said commissioier., so elected otr nap:ainted) to
'onter on the duties (of his office, untl he shall have taken and auh-
scribed the following outh :- 1. A. B. lo bolemnly swvar, or uitC
Oran as the case may be, that I will,well &. truly perform the dutiesvof a
usUmuissiouer ofl the town of Perry, is a uertained by law, by adop-
ting such measures therein, as shall in my judgment be bea't caluela-
ted to promote the geieral good of tihe citizens ot the town of Perry,
without any fvor or partiality to.uny one i and that I 11ill siapport
and defend the constitution aof the United tates, and of' .te State
of Gergia-So Ihelp ume God.  Which onh shall he inkn hfire
some Jutice of the .inferior court, or Justice of the Peact' of said
county : and a certificate tiii the uniante book of the canlnsasioni
ers, by the Justices, presiding.utt tie election of  mntaiiiissineimrs
herein dir eted, utt the per-son- namled and dulyelected, and it c'r-
tificate, as aforesaid, by the Juaice, hf1ort.e 1% m, the rabove oulth ir
directed to be taken, that they have taken and rubscribed, the said

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