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An Act to repeal an act, entitled an act, to exempt from road duty on certain conditions, all male slaves on the island of St. Catherine. 1826 128 (1826)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0183 and id is 1 raw text is: 128

Roads, Bridges, aud Ferries.

AN   ACT to alter and amend the Road Law in reference to the lia.
bi.oy of Comnii-iinei s, and for other purposes, so fdr as re-pects
the county of Elbert
le it enacttd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
State ol' G'orgih in   eineral Assembly mnet, and it is hereby enact-
ed by the authority of the same, That from and immediately alter
the        of 't irun ;.1 , it .h ill be lit- duty, anti i: is hereby ieq ned
of he    uvald jurors for the cointy of Elbert at e'ch and every tei m
of :he Sip'rioAr court for said ciun' y, to ink  true presentments of
all ciannowioners of roads who in ty fail or nealect to perforim their
re.,pec.ive duties as such, a, pointed out by the above recited act.
Sec 2 And be it f.irther enacted, 'hat it shall be the duty of the
clerk of the Sut rinr ( ourt lor sail county' to give information of all
commoiisieri who may be preen ied in termn of this act, to the jus-
ti es of th.* Iniferior court, whose dity it shall be to proced against
them (theo sail commisioner.) in the manner pointed out bylaw, all
laws or u,,g.es to the contr y notwithstanding.
Assentcd to 14th Dec. 1826.
AN   ACT to repeal an act, enti'ed an act, to exempt from road du-
ty on certain condition, a na, e luve5 on the island of St. Cath.
Be it enacted by the Senate and loutse of RApresentatives of
the State of Geor 'gia in Giril rtAssembly maet, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the saimae, 'That iroin and iiiinediately
after the passing(t tto n (c., the nouve ieteat cL ue, and the same is
,hereby repealed.

Assented to 22d Dec. 1826.

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