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An Act to alter and amend the several road laws in this State, so far as relates to the County of Glynn. 1821 109 (1821.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0140 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF GEOROIA.

To divorce and separate Nancy M'Cullock, formerly Nancy Blalock,
and Adai M'Cullock, her hutband.
WHERnEAS, the said Nancy M'C'illock comitmenced her action in the
Superior co11rt uif Linc7oln1 cOUity against the said Adam iC ilock,
fil a iivoi ce. Anid ihervas, at October term, eighteen hundied and
twenty one, of said Superior courl, the said cause wvas itrie by a Jlpe-
cil iiry, who after hearing the testimony, returned a verdict for an
abolute divorce:
§ 1. He it therejhre enacted by the Renate and Flouse of Represen.
tat i  of ithe State of Georgia in General Sisseibly met, iad it is hereby
endc ted by the auithority of the minte, That from and after the pas.
sing of lhis act, the fiil <ontiact of marrialze and titrmonial con-
nexion bt'twcen the snid Nancy M'CIullock, formeriy Nanvy BIalsick,
and Adam M Colin k, ier lusband, shall be conipleely annulled,
set :side, and dfismilved, as fully and elhetnally, to all intenis aid
purllosis, is if no su, i cointrct it been in ered into between them.
§ 2. .Ind be it further enacted by the athoritY afUresaid, That the
per'soni and property lo ie iaiul Nancy 11'C.1m k, shall tie free and
exempt fromi the claims or tin'.Mid Adim M'Oullock, in as full, com-
plo e, and amipi ianner, a4 if they had no-vei beein n ried ; and that
the said N ney be, and Ihie i hierey declared fully au:horitzd to do
an   pirforim all such acts nid tlings, as she might ha'  laifrully
done, had she never entered into a iim illio.ialI contract with the said
4Ldain M'Cullock, any law to the contrary iotwithstadling.
DAV M   A1) 1,
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Asented to, 21st December, 1821.
JOHN CLARK Governor.
To alter and amend the several road laws in this State, so far as re-
I  .     lates to the County of Glynn.
§ 1. He it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
State of Georgia. in General sdasemb(y met, and it is hereky enacted
by the authority of the same, That a board of comllissioners, to con-
sist of six persons, be appointed,,to take under their management all
pqbhlic roads in the county of Glvnn ; that they Shall be deemnedl a body
gorporate and politic; ldal, in case of any vacancy in their bodyr


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