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An Act to amend and consolidate the several acts for the better regulation and government of the town of Milledgeville. 1818 179 (1818)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0119 and id is 1 raw text is: LAW OF GEORGIA.

To amend nul coisolidatE1 the several acts for the better
rc-ulation and g'overiminia of the towkn of Alilledge.
1R it rnacted byi the Senate awd House or Repre-
sevlatirri a yffhe otae f  eorela. in Gis'eral l.nhl
met, and 'I is hereby enacted by the iut horil t o the sUme,
That ali persons residing, withini the town i N  l illeife.
ville, (titled to vote (or iiembers of tte- IG-i44itture,
shall be entitled to vote for commissiuners and iitendant
of said (owin.
§ 2. dud be i futrther enacted. Tlat the town of M1il.
Iredy-evilte bliall be divided Into four wards. In wit : the
intesection of Washing'on) .nd .e11ferson Streets f M
the town into fourl divisions, Shall constitile said Wirds,
which shall he known ch vId designated 1s fellows  the
notth-western division. Ward No. t ; tlie iorth-casto'it
diviion, Ward No. 2 ; the southi astern diviion. Ward
No. 3 : aid the  tsonth western division. Ward No, 4.
4 3. And be it fturther enacted, h'lit the itnhiitns
entitled to vote as aforeginid. shall ieet at the colirt hoeEI.
ini said town on the (ie4 Nam ned ay in J1nuiry next. nod
on the f irst 4Saturday in every January *1ereafter. and he
tween the houis olf ten o'clock in the ftrenw  n and three
oclock in, tle afternoon. proceel to elevc by ballot, one
coilis4ioner for ench ward and an intendhiatii or said
town,-Provided, that no1V person1 shall lie elected a com-
mis-ioner For any vard nless ie actuniliv residet wih.
in the wot d for which he shia lie elect e il-and it ;iy
commissioner shiall remove from tie wirid for which lie
is elected, or shall die or re4i1n. it  h (lie the duty of
the remaining cominiiioners and intelan'llit, to Apo1iint
some other personi residint- within the ward iii which a
vacancy shall so happen, t10lii i ollch vaconey for the li-
lance of theyear: and the coum i kzioniers orisft town hill
have perpetual succesqsion. & shall he capIlteto purchase,
have, hold, receive, enjoy, possess and retain, to thens

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