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An Act to amend the several acts regulating roads in this state, so far as respects the operation of said acts in the county of Burke. 1805 41 (1805)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0045 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 41 )
h public a&, and the judges of the fuperior and juffices of
the inferior courts and juffices of the -peace within this
flate,.fhall be bound, thereby, although the fame flall not
be plead.,
REc. 4.: And be it further enadled, That all afions
upon the. cafe, other.than for words which fliall be faid
or brought,.at any time ,after the paffing, of this a&, fhall
be commenced and fued within four years next after the
caufe of fUch aaiohi or fuit hath accrued, and not after. .
SEc. 5. AND be itfurther enacted by the authority afore-
faid, That -the a& entitled  an at for limitations of ac-
tioins and for avoiding of fuits in law, paffed the twenty-
fixth day of March, 1767, be, and the fame is hereby re-
ABRAHAM       JACKSON, Speaker of the
House of Representative. . .
JARED IRWIN, President of the Senate.
Afented to, December 7, 1805.           .
To amend the several acts regulating roads in this state, so
far as rspects the operation of said acts in the county of
SEC. 1. B   E it ena6led by the Senate and Houfe of Re-
prefentatives of theflate of Georgia, in General Afembly met,
a1nd by the authority of the sane, That from and after the
paffing of this aa, it fhall be the duty of the juftices of
the inferior court of the county of Burke, to appoint ov-
erfeers of the road in fuch manner that there Jhall be one
overfeer to each road in every captain's diftrid.
SEc. 2. And be it further enacted, That the power here-
tofore exercised by the faid juflices of the inferior court,
of apportioning the hands liable by law to work upon roads,
thall be vefed in, and exercifed by the juftices of the
peace in each diftridct

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