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An Act for the improvement of the navigation of the Oconee and Alatameba Rivers, from Montpellier to Darien. 1802 52 (1802)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0031 and id is 1 raw text is: (  52   )
future, fhall be deemed and confidered as diitin6l and
feparate perfons, altogether unconne&ed by any myfti
cal union or civil contraf whatever heretofore elitere4
into between them.
of the Houfe of Reprfentatives.
DAVID EM4NUEL, Prefident o
the Senate.
Affented to November 27, I802.
AN        ACT
F'or the improvonent of the navigation of the Oconee a44
latamaha Rivers, from Montpellier to Darien.
B) E it enafled by the Senate and Horfe of Repre.-
EC. I.j jentatives of the State of Georgia, in General
.dembly met, an7d by the authority cf the fame, That
from and afrer the paffing of this a&, all perlons liable
to work on public roads refiding in the Captains difrift
:adjoining the Occnee and Alatamaha Rivers, from
]Montpellier to Darien, fhall work on the faid Rivers,
for the improvement of the Navigation thereof, at fuch
times as the Commimfloners hereafter named thall direEt,
pot exceeding five days in a year.
Src. 2. i1nd be itfurther enaned by the authority
taforefaid, That if apy perfon or perfons, fo liable to
-work on the faid Rivers, or owners of 11aves to fend
them, thgll negle8. or rcfufe to work (not having a iea-
fonable excufe) after having five days notice for that
purpore, and to bring with him or them fuch tool or
tools as the Commifiloners flil require, th'ail be fined
in a fum not exceeding two dollars for each day if) neg-
Teding or refufing; to be recovered before any Juflice
of the Peace in the Captain's difbria wherein fuch delin-
quent flall refide. Provided, fiich time of mtice dces
pot happen when perfops liable to work on public roqds

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