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An Act Supplementary to an act, Entitled, An Act for ordering and Governing Slaves within this State, (then province) 1799 74 (1799.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0018 and id is 1 raw text is: r i4 3

Sup p/dmentary to an af/, entitled,  An a7 fer o-.
dering and/governingjlaves within this flate, (then
province) pafed the tenth day of May one thorfnd
j/ven hundired and fiventy, and for eflb/hking a
juifilirc!ion fir the trial of olfencex commi/ticJ by
fach ,/aves, and other pejoni  thercin mentioned,.
7nl.! to prevent the inveigling and carryilng away
flaves from their nut//cfs, owners or emploverr,
and for repea/ingfch /aws and clau/s of laws, as
m/itate agaia// thc jme.
'WATHEREAS many prrfons purchafe provi-
fions and other commodities from flaves,
by which the owners of fuch flaves are, and may
continue to be great fufferers, fliould fich'perni-
cious pramces continue;
Be it therTorC enacted, That immediately from
and after pafling this ad, any perfon or perfons
whatfoever, who fhall purchafe from, or fell to,
for money, or barter with any flave or flaves for
any fort of corn, rice, cotton or other commodi-
ties whatfbever, unlefs fitich flave or flaves tiall
produce a ticket, defcrbing the article and quan-
tity permitted to be fold, from his, her or their
employer, owner or manager, allowing fuch flave
or llaves to difpokr of fuch money, or purchaf
or ell fiich provifion or commodity, fhall upon
convidion before any court having competent ju-
rifdi6tion thereof in the county where Aich ofIence
thall be committed, forfeit the fum of thice hun-
(red dollars, * to be applied one half to the fi of
the county, and the other h:ilf to the informer;
and ithall find fihlicicnt focurity for his, her or their
good behaviour for twelve months ; and in cafe of
rcfn lid

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