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An Act to improve Augusta; and improve the Public Roads in the Neighbourhood thereof. 1798 3 (1798)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0010 and id is 1 raw text is: )<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX*I                                     Of
Am ACT to incorporate AuguJa; and improve tie Public Roads i tl
NeXur/hood theieff.
W     HEREAS, from the except and populatiohot tie tbwrrof Att.
gula, its growing importance, 'both with rlpect to incretife-of in-
bwDuants and dilfulive commerce, it is iudifpenfably nectfairy that
many regulations ihould be made for the prcfervation of patiue knd
good order wiLhin the fame: AND  it ERE AS, froi the niany weighty
and Important matter, that occupy the attention of the Legiflature
at their general mcctng, it has hiherto been found inconvenirint,
and may hereafter become more fo, for them to devife, confider,
dcliberate on, and deternine all fuich laws and r4 guatous s emer-
gencies, or the local circuiltanccs of the faid town may f'romn tune
to Lime require:
Zc i rIrm.urc riaidco, That from and immediately after the poffing of
this Ad, 1ll perlons, citizetis of the United-States, and rafiding one
year within the faid town and-having a frechold or It afe lor yt ars;
of a lot within the fame or the v'illage of Springfield. or betweci
the faid village arid town, fhall be deemed, and they are her by de-
clared to be, a body poitic awd corporrtc;. and ihe faid town (hall
hereafter be called and krown by the name of the CITY Of Au-
cus A, and fiall be divided into the following diflrifls, to wit: All
lots tiuate below the cro  fltret. runLnling from the river k avannah,
between the Marketh.Iodc and the hooii of Mrs. Fox, to be called
atid knowi by dillhtt nunmbr ow -.-Il dhe lots betweenu faid (Iret,
anid (hclicrofs-lrect urining I0rom th- Eod ever, betwcco the horfe
of Mr. Andrcw Innes, aridl the hwere occupwt d by (oliri Reed and
comnjJ1iy, to be called and kniown by djilri(1 number two-/\rnd all
the lots above that f1rect, including the vilinge of Springfield, thall
be called arid known by diltriat ntimber three.
Zc i tnircr cnoica, That any three Juflices of the Peace for the coun-
iy of Richmond, fhall, within fixty days after the palling of this'A&,
give ten days public notice, that two members are to be chofen for
cilarid number one, three members for diltrid number two, and tw6
irmbers for dilIriti number'thrce, to reprefent them in City Council,
iwhdfe qualification thall'bc the fame as that of a niemberof thelotife
of 'Reprefehtatives of the flate Legiflature; and that all frte WIdle
perrons refiding in each dilri6l, being citizens of the United States,
and rtfiding one year within the faid town, and having a frefhold
or leafe for years of a lot therein as aforefaid, fhall 'be-entitled to
vote for members for their rerpeffive diffriffs; and they hidall alfb
notify the time and place, when and iviberc the cleaion is to be lld
for each diflria, and appoint pro per perfons to condu& the Fame;
and the faid perfons, when the eleaion is clofed, thall'make a return
to the faid Jultices of the perfons chofen members of the refpalve
difkidis; and the faid juftices (hall give notice to the -fveralper.

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