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An Act to prevent the importation of Negroes into this State, from the places herein mentioned. 1793 24 (1793)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0004 and id is 1 raw text is: L 24 *1

.Jlt             pe7C  -o yrcnt i  'imporklion 0/ joroe  if ito
tfdiJ  itate, from  1/ic ;.aced  eraN;  nen tione.
E) E it enalled b the Senate and I ufp of Rrprefcntatives of the'flate of
D   Georgiain General Aff inly net, and ly the autho ityo/ t/w jame,
I hat after three months' fromt the .pallig of this ;, any perfonor.
perfons who thall direct y or indarettly import to this flate, from any
of the Weindia, Windward, Leeward. or Bahama iflands, or from
either of the adjace.t provinces of Lall or Well-lorida, any negro,
mulatto, or nul izoe flave or flaves who.have bern one month in the
11ne, for fale ;- every flucl lxrlon or perforis thall forleit and pay to
the flie filly pounds each, for every negro, mulaitto,or muflizoc flave
:o imported.as aforcfaid.
And be it further enacted, That all free negroes, mulattoes, or muni.
r     who at any time after the palling of this atf, thall conic into this
flate, thall, within thirty days after their arrival, enro!l him; her, or
themitlves in the clirk'. ofli'cv of the comity where they refide; and
within fix m'onths tli.reaftcr procure a certificate of two or more ma.
gifrates of the county, ct rtiwd .by the clerk t hreof. with the teal of
the county annexed, of his, her or their hondfly and induflry, to enti-
tl them to the privileges of refidence in this flate: And on failure
of fUch enreliment, or incgled of procuring fiich certificate, he, the or .
they, thall b.* Tibjcf to be taken up and connitted to the nearefl jail,
for a term not exceeding three months, or until he. (he or they tiall
ive i.curitr, by two frechold rs. for his, her or their prifont-es, and
(Uture indullrious and honeli behaviour.
And be :/ f urther enafled by the authority aforefidd, TI at from and af.
ter, thke palling of this .41, the 11ate thall. inl 1no iniflance, be unfwerale
for, oi liable t'o pay fi- owner any confidriii ion wIa~itc% er for aiy Ile.
gro flave or flaves who inay  fulfLr death by the laws of this flate.
And be it fu) thr enaeled by 1/iziit/trily af1n.CJih1, .lat All expences
and fees, chargeable by any of the public aticers, for profecuitinig any
negro flave or flaves, coniviltcd of any crime, not capital, againlt ithe
laws of this flate, Ihall he paid by the owner or ownerq of luch Pave
or flaves.  But in all cafes where any flave thrdl be conviai-
cd of any crime vt'crolby he, The or they may tiforr death, the extwn-
ces attending the trial and execution of fischJ]ave or flaves, thall bc
paid by the county where they thall be executed. '
- WILLIAM GIBBONS, Speaoerf the
.           Houfe of Reprefentatives.
Prtfidn of the Senate.
Concurred, Deccner                    -     f9, .793*n

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