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An Act to impose a tax on the inhabitants of this State for the support of the government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. 1792 31 (1792)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0002 and id is 1 raw text is: ,, (.3' )
Tb impore a: tix on the inhabitants of' this flate rpr the fl?.
port of thc.government for the year one th'otifand eksi.
hundred, 4id ninety-thrce.
BE it enared bv ihe-Senate aod Hsufe of REprtatisef t&i State (
Georgia, i, General Ajimbly met, Ta na tax of eight thillifigs and
tw& pcce for every-iudre d puunds va!ue )t all lAnds within the flate,
granted to or furveyed for any pet fon& or perfons, ihall 'be 'paid anld
lovied thereon.
eind ' -it further enafld That the value or eflimation of fuck lands
fha!l'bc ratcd ageahly -o .he eiminatio* or value of lands in andythb
2t entitled, *  .tC to r.ife a t:ib fo' the inpport ofgocenientfo the
year on: thof .ndii tevcn hundr.i enJ ninc t -two.'  .
A 14nd be at liriber tnatled, Fhut the tum of oneOhilling and nine penco
(hall be lkviet on all tree mile white pcrfons refident withiri this flate
if;-O the age .i twenty. one years and upwards ;. and the lum of qn
iilli'g' :gn niiic pece on tll negroes and other flaves undcr the, age of
f   iy .. within the liniits of the fame; and the furb of-four thillings
andi righ peace foreve.ry hu:idred pounds %alueotever.y ha whatlprother
findtntiut herci othcrwi'c included; and the ramie uitm for thc.likevalucof
2ll huildings and inmrovements within the li'nits of ny, town, village oc
h'irough; .and the fuin of -fix thiliing& zri ti pence oh all.foitd.wheeled.
c.:-ri.tg, incuuing caravan-, coaches and tiage waggonu (waggons$ Cauts
; and. th.* Com of one thilling and owve pence, ofta  .
I m nree., nulattocs ind mtali s,' 'tom the age of twenty-
c       w ..na upwards, over and above the taxable propcrty they may bc
.p. :6l d k, vithin this IRat ; aid th. fam of four (billings and eight
1- nee :iAll be levied on cvcry hundred p unds value of all perfons flock
z.. tra.. whJether mncrchants, (ho' keepcs or other pcrfons. rctailing the-
find within this (ttcj to be givcn in c, oath, and to be computed on
probe cfl . - the fum of twenty*.ight -ilings on all proifors of law
or phylic, faabri, brokers ind vendue-matters g and the fism of folr
thillings and cight pence on every hundred pbundr. value of qllforcigi'-.
. ppds, wares, liquors, n.cgroc. and merchzandiz: of. what nature or
kindL Ibever, fold, bargained or trafficked .,: by fuch'faois' and brokersi
and four (hillings and eight pence on eve:y hundred pounds value on all
goods,. wares and liquors, negroes or othe: merchandize fold at veridue A
tich ftao s, brokeri ind vendue-matlers to.) render the fame irr on. oath.
Provi!d n vert/lefi, That in all cafes of cxtreme indigence or inftmity,
the. interior court may remit the poll-tix o: fuch indigent.or infiim perdo
itlie (hall claim the tame. . . .
And Ie it jurtber enaaed, Thitthe re  ers of tax.returnqand col-
leflors of to.es fhall be appointed as they were appointed *ii.snd by the
sa to raif:.a tax for tbd 'year one thoufara teven huodred and biuety.
two; and their dutics (hall leverally be the fune as is therein pointed'out
aid rLquired for receivers and collcloLs -oUier that law, and the regula-7
tiofis, rclrklions, claufe, and provifles, a well for the governierit iad
rule of fuctcccivers and colleaors s tor the government aod rule of thb
inhabrants of this thte liablc to pay tax, eithcr for giving in retbt.ns or
I1                 ...-.   payment -

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