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An Act to incorporate the city of Lake City, Florida. 1858 108 (1858)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0218 and id is 1 raw text is: 101                              LAWS OF FLORIDA.
CHAPTER 949.-[No. 82.]
AN ACT to incorporate the city of Lake City, Florida.
SiCto  1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen.
laties of'the State of Florida in General Assembly convened, ''hat
Corporatelimts. tidl free white tuale iihabitants of' tite go of' twenty-one years and
01er, catpirehtld and residin in the folhtwihug limits, that is to
say, withitl a half of a unile south, cast and west. aind then a quarter
or a mile north ol' tho Court House of Columbia county in every
directi li th erefromn, shaill he and they are herehy v, ots ituted a body
Body corporate. corporate by the larno ot' the City of Lae City, nnd hy that name
Mahy purehiteo & tay silo aitnd lie sued, pleada Itloi  t ipleaiud, anttd may putrt'ch ase
diposo ol prop- aind hold real, perisolal altd Inixed pinoperty, and dispose ol. tile same
erty,        lot' tht beleiiit of tile said city, atd itly do all other acts fotr that
purpose as IlItt'li persoils.
I'overnent  2tn'. 2. Be itfarlther enacted, That the government of said city
vested  i t M11'or st
andut [oar Aider- shalh  V(' stCd in aM  ator and four Alderien, to be called the
Well.        City Cotiicil, ill which tile Mayor' shall preside, or durig his ab.
o ter   slce lie shall apoint o1te of the Council to act pro ten. duitig
ayorprotm. his ae       .  o'h     yOl'   his pto otein, shall have cognizntieo and
,Jurilitlon andI jarisdi cion ill all cases of' violiationa or iii'nction ill' the ordinances
power of Mayor. aid resolutions pisscil by the City Council, atnd upon  cotnllaint
taide by ally pIersl'  n aty suh violation at iln'ractiol, o1t whell
the sato sliall be comtititted ill his presence, or view, the said May.'
or iiity cauitse the o lendir to 1)e i)iught beftore him  hly WaT'int or
arlrest or Iby Sataiinloll s, litly to lie issued iby the Mayor or his pro
tellt., o' by the Clerk of the C ity Coliocil, by order of the Mianyo' or
Pro Ten., nit d to iw. diheoted to and so'ved by tie City  Mirshal
ot' olhei' person to b ippointd ftr that purpose, and reqlitihlg the
City Marshall o1 othier e sonl afotesaid to arest ind brhing before
tie Mayor, or to suitioti to  Iplieatr Ieloro hin at tlho time and
place SleCiCflCd ill Slid wiarlrali, the leiSOl Or i OlS0liS aiilltamd in
said warranit or suitinsnos to answer I'or the otletnce therein cha'ged,
Judvlmentor ''d tuOll trial an d clnv'ictiol, the said Minyor o' Pro Tml. nity r'en.
vinihtiloii Ut ordi-atd
lticel.     der seniteice o t'jgtlio ilt agaliilst tit offl'der for tho puliishment,
fin o or penaily imoposed 1by said ardiiilan c  ot' resolh tioil, aid may
ilforco said senleoitco or iidgmietit bty  roess if' ft. It. agaist tile
propllertly, or' of' iillirisJotiliielit, lllil tile Saiid oft'llld, r slall stuind con|-.
miay be remitted littel totil tie said setl tlitelite shall or' .iutglitoilt be op lied witi. In
by Couiel.  :ill sltch ci  es the Ity Couittci sihitti I 0 i t vo powet', ilpoll pet Iliont,
to i illi  sil seilllllc et ' or  j ndg  iielt  itt  Ill  o'   ill   l rl't,  a sol u tely
or eoiditioiially.
Quatiflettrof oC  : 3. Alt.  ifrther enactt ,d ThaIt tite hMiyor aid Aldermen
durini     . shaill be legal voters of said city, and shall hold their respective offi.
ces for twelve months from their election, or until their succesora

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