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An Act for the relief of James C. Johnson and Harman High. 1847 59 (1847)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0173 and id is 1 raw text is: Johnson and High-Shine and Edmondson. CHrAP. 19.1-195.            59
Mid not otlherwise appropriated, he, and the same is hereby, appro.  18.17.
proprinted for the payment of said \Villiam J. Armistead.
Passed the 1[mtc of lJresentatiw(', January 3, 1818. Passed the Senate,
January 6, 1818. Approved by theGoveruor, Jnnuary 8, 1818.]
CHP.TER   1-.-[No. B9.]
AN ACT for the teliefof Jauies C. Johnson and 1[arman High.
SECTION I. Be it enicled hy tihe Senate and  mse (if Represenla.
lives of the Stole of' Florid', itt ( eneral Asuspmbd conieicid, That tihe Ilief.
Compt'ir dler oli'tblic Accomlits ho, id is livrehv. iilhorized Io
au1dit and allow the claim of.1am ,s C'...ohnsm and llaimnan I ligl, or
,lelrssoii C1itity, amnountinmg ill all to the  sui  of, tile dollars nd
thirty Celts, eing lie unirtitit due theii ftr ser'v Ices rende red tile
State, in th eas- ofthe State vs. Cato, slave, Itimd that he issue his
warralt up'ui the 'I'i'easIrer for fi'h same.
Si.c. 2. And be it frther enacted, Tlit tile sum of nine dollars Mid Appropriation.
thirty emits, out oftirmys now in tht rrensury of thisSlate, or here-
after to le paid therein, not hv ltw speciuly al prloriated to  uiy
other purpose, or lint otherwise apjml'opriatid, he, min4 Ile saime is
hereby appropu'iated flr lt payeiont oftho said jas. C. Johnson atild
l'armal High.
(P.awsd Ihl Senate, Jan. 5, 18 Is. Pased the l[,misc of Represenitatives, Jan.
6,1818. Approved by the (-overnr, Jan. 7, 18.18.
CIIAI'TF!t 1(5.-[No. (10.]
AN ACT for the relief of Richard A. Shine and Joseph A. Edmondson.
SECTION 1. 13e it enrieted by the Senate awl-i.ouse ol' Repre.cita.
lives oftlho. Stale of Forida in General Asscmlh conened, That tlhe Rlif
Treasurer of the st atv be, and he is herey, atilorized to ply out ofR
elty moneys holtlriig to the Ctilinlent FiuIid, au  t al 'ead  ap-
propriated, to Richard A. Shine, the sum of three hmidtacd and
twenity-six dollars tu11 seventy cents, atitd to Joseph A. Endmo tdson
the sum of one hundred and forly six dollars which sums shall he
in full for the services &c., of the said Shine and Edmondson in
repairing the bisement rooms of Ihe Capitol.
S.me. 2. Ile it further ecnated, ''h'at it shAlil e the dily of the Ileinh'rscmn'nt.
Comitnissiotier of'the Tahlal s.c Fund, wheunever lie shali receire
any moneys of'hat fuind, which tire not already appropriated, to
restore and reimi rse to the Contingent ,und, the sinms which shall
be paid out in accortdance with the directions of the foregoing see.
[Passed I-nmi Ripresentatves, January 3, 1818. Paoqsed tile Senate,
January 5, 18-18. Approvcd by the (,overn or, Jnuiry 7, 1818.]

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