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An Act to prevent apothecaries, druggists, and other persons from selling, giving or delivering poison to any slave, free negro, or free mulatto. 1843 21 (1843)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0154 and id is 1 raw text is: No. XII.
Ali act to pr aveni tpllippari s,  droagists and other perso  from sellingt, giving
or dtlive'ring oirsmi to any slave, fre:  .,r,, or Ire mulatto.
Si,:'1ION 1. lIe it enifVlid In, the Governor and L grislativr Concil
of the 'T erritory of Florid,, That fron mil after th. ISa'sag e of this
aclt, it shall e I n  vwf0 i Ifr any lapothecnry, dru,,gisl, or other
pf'son to sell, give or deliver to aun slave, Ifruo negro or free u-
lato, anv poisoti or poisolous d rugs, and anv person molitiedit , ll- tv f
shall ble liable to indietilent, and, on eonvit'tioo tlerol, shall h I v ) iti
fitted ill it sunt tot oxcedling five hundrod dollars, or ifiollrisottiiioi
not exceeding twelve tmntlhis, at tlt. diseretio) of' the jury.
Six. 2. l i ufrthcr cntclrd, That this act shall uot ho so con-
Wlrued its to 111021Ut llt, with I a written piermit from tu gliaster,
apotheCalies, d rtuggists, or otheor permns, call sell, uivo or deliver
to ally slave I ayVi  stich perinit, any lpoisoti or polisonus drugs.
Approved 9th larch, 1813.
Allavt arti ith'd :l l  n at to repat :11, 'l providin,,u  tor the sa21-k.,ielin!  oft Ihe
records olhis'tito coily, upprovitl 'It cbruary, t;1 ,  ,I a In r 1;   her iatr-
SIi'rOx 1. le it enacted hiy the Governor fiitll I!,FjXisitive (einril
of the Trrrilor!/ of' Florida, That the it afores id aI(t he, and the S:111110
is, 1ry  rep ,Il of, .hlid  that it %hall I  , antI is, hi'el-4v, fucllai  to
be tIe 6ty of ilia clerk I St. .olm's coutty, oil or ht'fhrv th first trk oCt' St
day of ,May next, to turnt o ver' and deoliver t)l thte cle rk of .\[ sUi h  ifi'tVc 'vI1Oi
coitnly, all tho books, rovlords and ipirs of saieul outy, to: 1e re- iho reevIrlts
Ccivcd und retained by the said clerk of Mlosquito Coi1111, accorl-
lug to laiv.
See. 2. Be it further enalrid, That the J.Ttoi,  of said County
Court of  111s ito IIe, al is, iereby, althorizd Ito orderi.oheions
to fill any vaieaci,,e that Io  r nay eXist in any colllv ollicers of
said county ; aund :ll laws or parts of laws, so fur as thity cotilict
with the provisions of this act be, and the same are, herehy, re-
Sc. :3. Be it fitrt/rr enactrd, That if the clerk of tho Cnunty
Court of' St. .olm's Coutv shll rail to Ierlrim ilia duties by the
first section of' this 2ct r eluired of him, upon a demand nn0la by
the clerk of Mosquito county ifr the hooks, records ;1d papers
belonging to lio smid collly o1 Mosquito, he, tha said clerk Pif a St. ]'lly for
Johns county, shall f'or'it and pay the stuin of five htndrol dollars, l',Ct.
to bo rccovered in any court of coMolpetet ijurisdiction, by aciloll of
debt, one half for the use of an iibrner, the other half for th use
of Mosquito county fl'rosaid.
Approved 9th larch, 18,1:3.

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