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An Act to incorporate the Town of Jacksonville. 1841 12 (1841)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0145 and id is 1 raw text is: Not tohold have, holl,pn.sesq. and ejoy, real and per.onal estate: Pronvided,
prprty  the same shall at no tite execed the aimouit of twenty thousand-
rt nvv-r
2 o,oo. dollars.
SMC. 2d. Be it *further enacted; That for the better rzovern-
Trustees. ment of said incrprltion, Villian 1. Kass, Charles Merrick,
Soloman Warre, Ehas G. Jaudon, 11. 11. Philips and Assian
B. Hart. be, and they are hereby app,,inted Truslecs o the
first  Baptist Church of Jaiekson ;ille, to hidld their offices as
hereinafter directed, and as Trustees as aft resaid, they, and
Their their sucessors in office, shall have power in law, and are here-
po.ers.  by made capable in the niac of the Trustees of the first lap.
tist Church of' Jacksonville, of bhviv.i, selling, accepting, and
Mny hold being investcd with all manner of estate, real, petsonal and
all main!nc,' ixed, alf1 donlatiolls, gsifts, L'allts, legacies. privileges and im-
of esta~te.
muntities whatsoever, which mriay belong to said Church or may
bet efier be transfebrred, or conveyed to them, or their success-
ars in oflies. not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, to have and
to hold the same br the proper use, bencfit and behoof of the
said first Baptist Church of Jaclhsonville.
Trastees  SEc. 3d. Be itfrther eniac/ed, That ill the white members
to bvolect. of said  liur(:h sbhall be denied qualified electors of any and
ed 1,Y the ev'ry clectioi tlr Trustecs of said Church, and that the first
members. ele.tion ji 'luslees slall le ield on lhe first Mon ay of June,
.ime  of 1841. and thuexeatler annually on the first Monday in Jtne in
holding  each and every year, unless the TrusiSe' shall by heir b e-laws
the  otes. fix a diilbrent day, of' which notice shall be given in some news-
tion.    patllipr, the 'l',u.tCes hereby appinted to hold licir ,fficers until
after the first elcotion, and (ach st.-qienil  ird in like man-
Proviso.  ner to hold ttitil their successors be chosen : Provded, if at any
time elecliotis sl iaJ 'lot be liel ;accofd itg to la., this charter
shall not thereftie bu 'Lrteited ; but al electiot may and shall
be held at an. other titte, upon al appointnrt made I)v a ma-
jurity of the white iwenibers tf said Church and duly advertised.
Charter t  . 4th,. Be itfurthe, enacted, That this chart er shall at all
subjtct to.
alteration tinjes hereafter, be subject to alteration, nodification, or repeal
or repea. by the Legislature.
[Approved 10th Ffebruaryf, 1341.
NO. 12.-An Act to incorporate the Town oF Jacksonville.
ScC''rioN 1st. Be it evmacted by the Governor and Legislative
Council of the 7 errilory of Jhirida 'I fat all the fiec  hiite
male inhabitants o  ur the au. of t wetitV-one eats, cimprelenid-
ed within a line connitcing at a poit it, the South bankl of
citylimits the river St. Johns, oppo.stt to Hogun's CGeek, on the north

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