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An Act for the taking of a Census of Florida. 1838 8 (1838)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0135 and id is 1 raw text is: (8)
No. 5.-AN ACV  in addition to the several acts now in force in this Territo-
ry in relation to Roads and Highways.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative
Dut of c'ty  Council of the Territory of Florida, That it shall be the duty
clorks,    of the clerks of tile County Courts, within ten days after sessions
of the courts held in each county in the spring, to make out and
hand over to the sheriffs oftheir respective counties, a complete
list of the names of the commissioners ofroads.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of
Duty of sher- tile sheriffs, within tell days after receiving such lists to give
itre.      notice to each and every commissioner of their respective coun-
ties of their appointment.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for every notice so giv-
en, the sheriff shall receive fifty cents and the mileage allowed
by law, to be paid out of the county funds, and for neglect to.
Penaroty or  perform the duty herein required, shall be liable to a fine not ex--
neglect of duty ceeding fifty lollars, to be recovered in any court having com-
petent jurisdiction. The fine to be paid into the county Treas-
Passed Jan. 22, 1838.-Approved 26th January 1838.
No 6.-AN ACT lor thc taking ora Census of Florida.
Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council ofthe
Governor toTerritory of Florida, That the Governor is hereby authorized.
appoint per. and directed, immediately after the final passage of this act,
aonstotaketho to appoint any number of persons lie may think expedient, irk
census:    the several counties of this Territory, whose duty it shall be,
on or before the first day of April next, to take a Census of the
inhabitants, including and setting forth the number of white per-
sons, slaves, and free persons of colour, in their respective
Oath to be  counties; and the persons so appointed, before entering on the
mado       duties contemplated by this act, shall make oath before a Judge
or Justice of the peace, faithfully, diligently, and truly to take
the Census in their respective limits; and the said persons thus
Deputies may appointed, are authorized to appoint one or more deputies, who.
beappointed: shall also be sworn to a like performance of their duties, and it
is hereby required that certified returns ot the Census, as taken
Returns whn shall be made to the Governor and Secretary of the Territory,
and where  on or before the first day of May next, and a certified copy
made:      thereof be filed in the County Court Clerks office of the Coun-
ty where the Census is taken.
Section. 2. Be it further enacted, That the persons in eacb

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