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An Act to revive an act to provide for the collection of Judgments against free Negroes and other persons therein named. 1835 315 (1835)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0122 and id is 1 raw text is: Pngitives-.-Tiudgments against Fr'ee 'egroes. Cmkp. 855-5,  31b
Ci -,. A55. [No. xxxiii.]  Ai Act t o ''  iii iICt to  pr,,ille  il  t~w  1 S35.
collect 1iol ,I .ht e mnts ngaiaL ficc Negrous and othl'r perow; - --
therein named.
See. I. H e it ennt'd )y the Governor utid f,,,islativo Coon.
cil of the ''i tritory (if Fi ida, That the Ut:  :0 1rAVidc' (UP t 'U
Collection  of,  . 2il11,:ots against fre,. n -ros, arlu , t1hu  ,w .  1t)s
therein  itti.,d , passed  thu  2Sth  l1V  of  ,.l ll , 1832,  hi. , d  Art of' IS32
thn same ir hrby rkvived aild iii.io II full orc, fromti th • p~ias- lIVivt.
sige  of ti:,  net:  l'rovid.' i huw ver, that ti. ica t shall  o-,  til-
ply  to  ally  tlte tlneirru, Wllh  ;IA It t  reident  In  thi.s   'rilt ' -
vious to its cossioi to lh,' .nited States, and whoa ! mi j .iliud
to rcsidtv it) it to the proseitt tinn.
Sec. 2. Be it futther etuacted, That the ant, (,ntitd    At oft 18 .
to e.., the hefore ictl.,'icd act, ivamis, ltii day u JUiu. rep, ailld.
ary, 18;34, be, and the atne is hereby rcirpcaled.
PUs.'ed, Februnry 13th 1833.
AppliowLd, February 1,tih, 1835.
Chir. 856. (No. xxxiv.] An Act in relation to Fugitives from Justice.
Be it enacted by thu Governor anld Legislativo Coun, ii of
the Territory of' Florida, That it shall be tht, d,.ty of ie C-o.
uru.or of this Territoury, when :1 hnndl s ,hall oe mado oft him, by
tho I'Xeculive c' ally State or T'erritory, of aly filgitive, front
jn tice, in the maimer prcseribed by tim nct of Coi.,x, ss, alp- Governor to
pr jved, 12th February, 1793, to cause said fugitive to be it-  fi.,lt fugitive
rc.it.d and securcd either by making puhlic prochInmati 0n, o !'. *:- demand.
isstoing i. order to that efli!nt, us ho may dcm  most w.t.ediet,
utd, r his iatd and tlie seal of the ic.,ity, directed to all arid
igo lar the marshalls atad ,heriff o  iti Territwry,  I.
co'iiiatidiig them to aro.it the fugitive theruin n mod; and it
shall lie the duty or any tn:.h iti or sheril, upon reeciviug mchl
order, forthwith to execute tht batic.
Sec. 2. Be it fiiiher cnacted, Th. when  ., ,r;.it; i slall
be  atncsted, lie, or  Alhe  slit ll be  innm didi  t t , ;  .+.itted  to  som  Fagitive  to bh
safi- jail or pri.on; and it shall be t,,  itiv , 1  mtoarshal, ,iep
u v marshal, sheriff or deputy shicrill, ipo 1 iicli arrest ic!:.-f
niii'e, to itotil, the G(vernor thereof, aid also o0 ii, - jii or
pris,,o to which said 'ugti11e shall be cotmittud; aid said 116..
tive shill be dealt with Is by said act of Congro,  is i,.vtdd.
Passod, February 4th, 1835.
Appruved, Fcbruary 9th, 1o5

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