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An Act to alter and amend the several acts relating to Roads, Highways and Bridges, in this Territory. 1832 59 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0098 and id is 1 raw text is: Ft~cctora diiit
Sec. S. Be it further enacted, That the counties of Jack- trict.
son and Fwyette, shull comrose the lourtmi and fllh elctoral
,districts as lwcretofore, and be entitled to seid two members to
the Legislative Council.                                   Election pfCd.
Spc. Q. Be it further enactpd, That the first oloction for oilicer.
county officers under this net. shall tako place on the lim#t DWn1-
day in July next.
Passed Feb. 9, 1832.
ArritovLDFeb. 9, 18.32
No. 51. AN ACT to alter and timenl the several nets rdlatiug to trads,
Highways trod Bridges, in this Territory.
lie it eracted by the Goveroor and Iegislativoi Coutcil of he Wiat 1hd bU
Territory of Florida, That 0l the rou.ds in the several counties udlic runds.
in this Territory, that have been laid out by order of any court,
uccording to law, shall be, and they aro hereby respectively do-
clarodlo be ptije roads ; and the steid county courts in the
several conaties of this Territory jlxjw OsWbi sd, or hereafter Power of G,.
to be established, shall have full power and authority, on appli- cow-ts.
cation, to order the laying out.ofny publ, c road or roads through-
out their county, when the sme.shall by then be deemed .ne-
cessary, and.to discontihme such publie rottds its p~ow are, or
shall hroufter.he, fouud usilesbur.oben.'9Io q ,ud inconvenient,
and to alter the roads nowor lreafter to be qstalaished, as of-
ten its occasion shall require.
Sec. 2. Be it forthernactd, That when the road so laid Road passing
out, shall pass through the.,latds of any.person or persous, who th-r itigh Iud
y                 I,   t  101I there
liall otjnet to, o consider themselves at-ggrieved by the snle, is objectiul.
it shall be the duty .of the said ,C.rt, on appliatign in writing
ftom the persons or persousso .Abje.cting, at .,the next terpi of
the'said Court, to issue their precept, directed to the slerifl, cor-
oner or coastable,.(as the cuso kiiay be) 9rqljhing hii to suminon
a jury of twelve householders in jsid county, ti proceedt .to the
ground ,through which aid objection has bea  mde, totlhe pass-
ing of' said road, and upon .aotuiliow and upgli oath, to unquire
and certify to said court, what daiungtcs, if any, and how much Writ of ad
in their opinion accrued to the owner or owuers 4f* such groimd, ritoddaimium.
by the passing of the road through.the same ; and the sheril'or
-other officer shall return Ath inquisitions by him so p ae, signed
by all the Jury, to the next court tdier the same was .tpkon, and
it shall be the duty of tme said .Curt to order Ah datit.os. o
assessed, to be paid out of the county T reasury-g. ovd9l ne-
vertheless, when it shall appbear to the coprt that the da-nages so
assessed, tr,,nsceld the utility of khtat part of said road, such
court hall order the same to be altered iii such mtaner, as to

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