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An Act to incorporate the Town of Ochesee. 1832 52 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0097 and id is 1 raw text is: [52J
or her natural, private and individual capacity, for th ultimatoi
rede niltio i of the iiillfir notes issued by, fir Foiom, said Bank,
durihiz the time li or sie may hold such stock.
TaxOn bt, C.  Scc  15. - Be it firther enacted, That said Bank stock sholl
pay the sailio rate of tax its is now, or may ho hereafter imposed
on the stock or profits of' other banks in this Territory.
Sev. 16. Be it further enacted, That no Bauking Institution
bo allowed to subscribe Cor stock in saud Bank, nor ity individ-
ual to take morc thait fifty shares, until thek books shall have been
kept open the sixty diays as aforesaid, after which no exceptions
to he mad,, in subscriptions fIr stock.
See. 17.  Be it further onactod, That this act shall take ef-
fect from and after the passago thereof.
Passed Jin. 16, 18:32.
]liJpci'r.D Fob. 7', 1832.
Re'oinsidered wnil passed by the requisite majority Feb. 8, 1S32.
No. 4f. An ACT to incorporate the Town of Ohesec.
rfi1Mtallts of'  Be it cnacted by the Governor and Legislative Council oftho
town ilncorpo. 'rerritory of i lorida That all the free whi to male inhabila uta
rated,      over the age of twenty-one years, comprelended within the ll-
its of the Town of Ochesce, anti their succes-ors, be aod re-
maiu fbrever, fi'om tile passage of this act, a body corporate, by
the nome and style of' the Town of Och(sco; and by their cor-
porate n ne may sue and ho sued, plead and he it npI leaded, anti
do all othcr acts as natural persons, and may purchase inid hold
real, personal and in xed property, or dispose ot the same for the
benefit of' the said rown.
Town council.  See. 2.  Iel it further enacted, That the government of said
Town shall be vested in it Town Council, conmoscd of an In-
tendatt antd six Council in( ii, each of' whom shall have the (lial.
lication of being the proprietor of a lot, or the occupant of a
ho iso, ante sh I levo rosided three mouths within the limits a-
fbresaid, iii order to fill cither of thet said offices.
Powvers of tlie  See. 3. Be it frhfler ciacted, That the Intendant shiall have
iotcodal t.  theo power and excrtviio all the dities, ald may teeceive tle f'ees
of' it I JAtice of the Peace, within th said corporation.
Sec. 4.  I  i fit ihthc'r encted, That the said Town Council
Po',e,' & t- shall hav' full [i,,wtr and authority to prevent aid remove nuis-
Ilhiy of tbe
cotporttiolt.  aiaces, to tax t iclioliceis, rctaile's of' goods and liq ilors, and
taverns ; to r's t ruin ii Or Prohihit all sorts of' gatiling, to licenso
anI regulate the'drical mid other public amuseients, to establish
tid r,,gulate tmirhvt.s, to dirct tile sale kcping of' the stadha
of' w''j.is and ot';isu.me', :1jpointed by (-omlg.ess ; to provide
and regidate blit'iud groutdL fbr tie wut of the said town; to sink

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