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An Act to prohibit our citizens from trading with the Indians and for other purposes. 1832 16 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0093 and id is 1 raw text is: No. 17. An ACT to establish Ih ie rat' of Pilotage rortho St. John and NaA
suu Itivers.
Iltnin of Pilt-  Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of tho
,tg,  s tbhis h -  T rritory  of  Florid a, 'i  h t the  lollow m g  fees  and  rates  ot  P ilo t.
mdP         nge, oe idlowed to ainy dily authomisvd pilot, piloting and en.
dii, tig a vessel ov.r the bars o the St. John or Nassau rivers:
to wit-For every foot of water  uid vessel may dra;,' tmo (iol-
hars per foot, and for ever), iny said pilot may lie dtcained on
board said aessel, at the request of the muster or owne  of s~id
vesel, hvo dollars icr day.
Sve. 2. Be it tijrther enacted, That hen tiny vcssel hound
to the pIrts of the rivers St. Johns, and Nasiiu, shalabe hded
VesoIl  sl or spoken by any pilot o the rivers aearutd, befbre said ves,el
take Ipilt or han ct s.ed the har, and said vessel not having a pilot on board,
any oitt hal; shall refuse t,. la ke or recciv,, said pilot, so hailing or speaking,
hIt shall be atiied to de1iind und 'v, eiv, firoin thi w ner, mus-
tor or consignee of said vs. cl, huh tih rate of pilolge or te,
as it' said pilot had been taken aud received on board said ves-
See. 3. Be it further enacted, ']'hat when any vessel out-
wvard bound, an.. about to ,ail fr.m the rivers St. Johns or Nas-
sau, .hall refuse to receive and take on board a duly authori ed
Ves,,elf Ont- pilot of taid rivers, bucl vessel, master, owner or consignee,
W,    n hoid, thereby sh,11 be liable lIo pay the pilot so tendering1i his ser% ices
Atime rule.  as pilot, to said vessel, tale half the rate of pilotage which is here-
by to Le demanded, at if said vessel had ben actually piloted
anid conducted from saidrivers, by said pilot.
See. 4. And be it further enauted, 'ihat all fees and rates
of pilotage which may become due, he and the same are horoby
Pilnthg' rect- made recoverable before any court of recurd or justice in this
verabie.    Territory.
ISec. 5. And h* it fir'hor enacted, That nil acts and parts of
acts, inconsitient with the provisions of this act, be and the same
R[epeal.    ar, her-Lby rupenled.
Se   6.   \ nd be it fiorther eiacted, That this act shaU be ir
full force, from and after its passage,
Passed Jun. 30, 1832.
ArPRorvD Feb. 2, 1832.
No. 18. AN ACT to prohibit oar citizns from trading with the lndinni
aud tarothr purposes.
Be it enacted by the Governor ant l.eislitive Council ofthc
Territory of'Vlo, idn, Tht her uafter, it -ha11l not hw lawi Ilot
aiy person or irsons to sell. barter or excaliinge with, or gv
gollin- liquor to any Indian or Indians, any l111i, ,' hislkey, LI aily or th'I
t0  ldians.  sli; it,,io s  liqotm t-  id  any  p,r.-,m  oltl  udii-  ,,,inlq  t  lie  pl ,vis,
ions of this law ishall, for each aut every otience, be liuble t

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