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An Act to incorporate the Town of Marianna. 1828 21 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0066 and id is 1 raw text is: AN AcT
To incorporate thu Town of MAia'ma.
Sec. 1. BP it enated lnj the Governor and' Lt.i.hitt?  w
Counr'i (!f lhe  i'errilorq o1 l'lorida, That ulI the free rhiIni,, mer-
white, male inhabitants' ove'r the aI!e of tw!iity ofiU Years,  ldrad.
comprelion ll within the Satith Wo.At quIarter of Sectioll
iinm'iei three, in Townsdhip nuainher four, Range nun-
her ten, Nt th and West, lyinig and h1i:ng in ti couty
of.Jacikso,, ill the Teitoiry of Florida, and their s Tc-
Ces,,.4 be aild rein alu   the term 1i flive yearni fro'll til  Term ofncor,
JAMlIStlge Wt~this net a body (jorlwrate, by the ha'hie fnd
style ofIlie Town of Mn'iaola, anid by  leir corporate
iiaic may sue aid be sued, iniplead and be imple:ded,
fad  do  'dl[ other aclts'. Its na~tin-all 1wis,l'o ,an Ot i lnly  |1ll1'-
CeIm. en( '  hold real, persolmi uiid mixed proplert3, ordis-
poie of the sanle for tile betlIfit ofi Ie said Town.
S'e. ,.. Beit fur/lher en/lP,'l, Tlint the goverilent of
sAi Town shall be vescd ini a Ton  oi u Counll, Nt) lioi- Goveri,,,ieni
ed or ll Inteudant and six Colln('illmlel, eaeh of wholl o t
shall have tlw qualifiatiomi of leing the proprietor of i
lot or the oceuptrimit of a house, and shall have resided
three imtoths within the limuits afinresaid, in order to fill
either of said ofliers.
See. 3. l3e it further enacted, That the Intenolant Powers,,nhhr
slid! have the iower and exercise all the dulie, ti  lttewidant.
may receive tile fees of a justice of the peace withii the
said corporation.
Sec. 4. Ile it .fhther ic'mcd, That tile, said Town
Council shall have full piwer and ,uthority to prevent Poway ofthe
alnd IelmiOVe ntisaniCes, tO license and reglit ;ulF(ticoi.- Tem Cowl-
cers and aut ions, retailers of goods and li(qiors, la1 tu-
veri:, to restrain or prohihit all sorts of gamining, it li-
ceise anl regulate tleatrical and otherw public ainuse-
flielits, to estal)lish anl regulate markets, to direct tile
safe keeping ot'the stanlarld of weights aid mve1rs,
appointed by Congresi, to provide, and rei'ulate birial
grounds for tile use of the said Town, to sink wels  uld
erect and repair puips in the streets a uid public sqtuar s,
to erect flnd repair Market houlses and'public scales
within the aflbresaid limits, excepting the iplceaure
sylares, to establish and regulate jmtrolcs, 'to regulate
the storingof gun[powder, to tax and licese hlawk ers
and pedlars, to rest rain and j)rohij4it tipling houses and

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