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An Act to incorporate the Eufaula Home Insurance Company. 1861 93 (1861.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0581 and id is 1 raw text is: and property of said company shall at all times be lia- Stock and prop-
ble to the same rate of taxation as the property of indi- ttion.
viduals or like corporations in this state.
SEC. 13. Be it further enacted, That all bonds, bills, Iegamty of
and promissory notes, made payable at the office ofthe
Eufaula Insurance Company, shall have the same legal
effect, and be subject to the same legal remedies, as if
the same were made payable in or at a bank, or banks,
of this state: Provided, That the General Assembly may, Restrictions,
at any time hereafter, alter, modify, or repeal this char-
ter: And provided further, That nothing contained in
this act shall be construed as conferring upon said com-
pany banking powers or privileges: And providecfur-
ther, That no bank note or bill, issued or made by any
bank created or established by. the authority of any of
our sister states, or of any foreign country, shall be paid
out under any circumstances by the company created
by this act, or by any of its officers or agents, under the
penalty of forfeiture of the charter by this act created.
APPROVED, February 9, 1861.
No. 115.1             AN ACT
To incorporate the Eufaula Home Insurance Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly
convened, That Edward B. Young, William T. SimpsOn, Incorporators
John W. Clark, Clayton R. Woods, Charles D. Laney,
John McNab, A. Stow, N. M. Hyatt, J. G. L. Martin,
and their associates, be and they are hereby constituted
a body corporate, under the name and style of  The rame of compa
Eufaula Home Insurance Company, and by that name nyand its pow.
shall be capable of suing and being sued in all the
courts of this State; of purchasing, holding and con-
veying property of all descriptions; of making and
using a common seal, and generally of doing any act
necessary to carry into effect the objects of the corpor-
ation, not inconsistent with the laws and constitution
of this state.
SEc. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock ofAmount of capi-
tal stock; shares
this -corporation shall be not less than fifty thousand onehundred dol-
dollars, nor more than two hundred thousand dollars,lars.
to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each,



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