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An Act to incorporate the Livingston Insurance Company. 1859 180 (1859)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0551 and id is 1 raw text is: 1859-'6O.                           180
No. 169.]              AN  ACT
To I  optflile the Livingstoi I nsurnce Company.
Sme. 1. 1e it e iacted bty the enate and Hotuse of Represeti
olitts of/( te tIate o/ . I lbu n (u ( Geral Ao wmblq cotned,
lTt Ihetrt 1. Hioistonl, Joseph A. Smith, Henry II. Tr-
Doodyc.orporu- ris, MuoyC.  ouston, Jews Unir, E. '. Stuordie 'v;1t
and A. A. (JColeman a(1nd their associates he, mul tlicy are
h    Ni b  constiti  ele  ol y  corporatc,   under  the  na mue  111d
Stle ot  f tIhe LiVinglton t IISuranILe  wmly ito  onI 1 Of
the    A. St11 tthel H e1af to b loot l 8Ss than uty no Tmore
than two) hanrl. thousandl donlers, to) be dividedl into)
shairs of onm. hopindt dothirtt talfh.
Sub;crotiot. Sr   . It it j it/ or  enacted, That  notice  a  he  given
o ek-  -r St  lulh ive weeks, by aidvvtisemient pulished inl
Ir o the  II Sipnu of Saitrill cy of thelit\' le time and
phwte wI I t nlt where subscriptions will hw receivld for
ttock it sico p     ; tril subscriptiots Shall Ie opened
unvicr the inspection aitel control o)f Hohwrt F. Ilouston,
Jtoteph A. Smith iadl Joies Hair, at theo, stim oftLei dol.
llrtupoll each shre sh all bt fc  til int. tile f'tite of sub.
scriplion, andI' the rvema;indelr 1he securedi to he paid, notl hw
paid nt Such time ;Ind in  chmnilnr  the BIoar o f Di-
tiuwa  ties, Alt3'r their  )'lection, -hmll duhl o l' e t in ; wt h  books to
remawin openl for1 subs1cription for. five days. :illt1 no per'Son
shuall e allowd tosubib more 1h6n one hunddshae
inl 11Y  oneo (by.
nlecetors.   Sim. 3. 11c it jurther ena~cted, Thait a Dmird of' Directors
to conlsist of' Four p-lrsons', ownersT (f' stock to thle am11ount
of twvo thlolismd doll;ars uech, who shatll hl their oflice for
on ya, hll 1w eleuted b)y hallot by the miocdbablers
AIvert umenft. vW1oln Ill per.,on orj byPrOy, nfitr ustnch dverti-inmen
foil two smwyc ssive weeks in tw  of thenwwpapers of Sum.
wcr countly, sthting thle time :owll plce  of' hlohdling the elko-
tion ;  the  first  elIvctionl to  be  behd  11nd(er thle  ill]   tio(  IOf
Elctolg    Rtob''rt F. Hous ton, Joe hA, Smith  111d  J11111s liU r; an(l
Fi nha (I1 l t electi s  noth,-r thet(  inlspectionl of'Il hr('e  personsI
to) be  1oppoinlit  prior  threom  hv  thle floart  of-Dircrtors;
thc .inokhablers ait :ill clottions and  lit till moo  tings For the
trans:lionl of buI~ls.is  to  he entitled  to  one vot!, for each
and every share of, lthe capitld stock they tony owni.
M.4. 1ie- it jhrthetr ellnadf, Thait provided stock is not,
taklen Io the almouit 4o! t wo hunidre'd thowusund ilollalrs,
opn1ous   willim the five an -s oppoinl for thet reccipt of' subkscrip-
tions, the BandI Of DirCtorS 1My openI b-ooks  from timle to

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