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An Act to amend an act incorporating the town of Tuskeege, in Macon county. 1853 260 (1853)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0465 and id is 1 raw text is: 1868-'64.                            260
the two collpalhies to act together fur the purposes Conitem-
plated by the charter granted by this state.
S.c. 7. ad bc d liviher enucted, 'That the presidcut and
powers a d Iirectors of said company sliall he, and they are hereby
tiority ef dcrn. (i] a]lthrised  1 uiipoWo'ed, to borrow money to
.*        a1'y inito effect the objects for whiljchi said company was
itIorjporated  to issue honds inl the unme and oI the fidth
anld credit of 1'aid compally if) such ioruii, and payable at
such tinm's anid placcs, .an1d bearing such rate of iitereAt, as
Ille( ,v y 1 l$peivcribe; and he 11c sai ' prvS.ident andl dircctor8
shall have Jil powr :1nd authority to me otiat e, pledge,
blyplothcute1, -eLl OF OJItherw  disposc of the lromissory
nlOwS, h0nd1s b1' (f11g111S (n I     r p'soS, or of
.ny COr0p'.lortiln, and if 4' ary , to guIaratte 144' the lV
ime)(t tof, thline. , bY ,bndorlicnt (r oth(riwise, anld to
secure the paylment of :mnY bonls or 441 igltions which
may h! ent'red into; the ,aiid presidclnt amd d1rectors are
hiti'erhy inivestel with full power and unth'lrityv to pledge, by
Iesolitioni orothw \ ise, or deed of I rust or- (t literwise, all the
me(anls, property - ) aol 4'ft15s of said m'ollnpunhIY, or my pal
thereof, iiluling :4ub'criptio)1s to th4 cipital stouck of tll
OMnpu0   Ny; and anuy I plh'dge ;o mode by naid president and di-
rectors, wheth11'er by resolution  111 t  0a11 , ac o  d of
trust, or1 othrti' 161rm of conltrnut, shall iw valid, birlinn :nl
ffeetul to all iltw.Is and 1111prs' .
A   v1;ove,  ebrua'ry 1N, 1851.
(No. 4412. j            AN ACIT
'To ;,mnd  41 ac inorporating the own 1n 'Tnsk4'ege, Wn
.11eue  04nunty.
SwrwtN 1. l)i4 it 'at4l byi //44 anat ow14 1/ Hou)0ry liep/-7
't'eniid, Thiat the town of 'l'ns~ka14le, in lw 1 ount11!y of Afa
con, he, andI the 514me ;s h14ehy incorpor4 41ated, ainl thle cor-
81o4rwom 44444. )0w.poat  lmit) 4f said1 tow  sall 5 mb11 en114 )1n4 area of't1 h)1and
twoI au<4(l a hlfl miles( square, 11he boundr4iy line~s 4f which
shall h44 cl4i-.distan1t 014st nod( west, 341orth.44 mul sou1th ibun
the cntri of' 11h4 pre sent court hous1e( of saidl county.
Stw. 2. Ik t U  inrther ena'td, 'I'lutt an1 4lectionl shall I w
S  held ait the courlt hiouise door,) jf in~aid( tow, on441 the first MtIon-
day in M41arch, 1854, andt on the samne day in every succeed-
ing year, to connenlfce at 10 o'cloclc A. Al., and close at

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