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An Act to authorize the Commissioners Court of Greene County, to erect a Jail at Greensborough for the safe keeping of slaves levied on under execution. 1842 131 (1842)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0306 and id is 1 raw text is: 131                                184W
authority and control overt~he site of tie lots of said town,s6d
the proceeds of the sane, which siles have hen heretofoe made, Nwerm of
awd were by the Generil Asembly of this StItti, igifized . by ancou.
act, entitled an aet to legUlize the proceedings of the (Commis-
ioners appointed by oin net, entitled an act to loeate the sent of
Justice of Cherokee countyv, anti for outher purpios, p35ssed.at
the called sqssion of 1il Gener]a A-mcnibly of the State  f A'-
bama, in the year eighteen hiundred and thirty savi.n, aiid up-
proved June twenty-fourth, eighien hundred arattirtysseven
is hereby vested in the ,;;id Judge and conmssioner, and'ilbey
or a majority of them; so soon as it shall be in their *pawmer to
mlake titles to sail lot', agreeableto, tju coiindtion i  tiesaidl
sale, are herely authorizedl to lequire the Couony 'P'rea , Iirer,
torthwitl to plapeced to fhe colleoin (f -the debtstlne for din
piIr'hase of said lots hv suit or Auits, or otherwise, but tle Cdurt
of Cain missioners of Roads and Reveneatforesaid, or a majqori.
ty of them, are aiherized, upon the payment by any. lmYinisr
of one fourth of fhe original Iairchase money for any 9f said lots,
to grant an indulgence for the ieniai.iler,qa (1i oxecedin g
one, two aid three years, diviling it into eqita hnent,.iI
all Cases, and the money eollected tront the sle  orf aid lotf, at-
ter payiig fle original purchas: ailey of the said tract of faid,
ill tfe picamble qpecieid, shall. be smt npait A albrrs.bi-, iho
applied exclusively, with silh other r funid as the sAil coil may
set ;Ipart to the ereciion of public bilillngs. and Fa4 ro othi r
purpoe, 'under the 'direction or sil joige aold Conmi!ai;sinr s,
or a iajority of tflin, any liw contraveiliog  .o of tile  rlijv
sions of this  ole, to flit  oniriry  I   It w i nt lia g.
Ai~provedl, 14f tbruary, 1813.
Ni.1 37.1               AN AC'T
Tj author tv the Commiirwrn C eii ioi u I r rri e Ciunty  to ee' n t Juit at CGrens.
t, r 'ug  for the  inte kejigof' th L ves levied oi  undu r capution:
Setiofl 1. Be it enarteidb /a/ Me Ane a/Cnd io/use of J,'11.
res'lnta'tives </ the Sta te ofA .'I/a/brlnel, inl Geinerril .dssembly
convened/, 'J'fnat ihe C'om i siooers Colirt of the cotiaty of
Greeie. !le, and they aiteereby aeithorize I to apirootiate the
t-unt offivn hundred lollbrso to be drawn fron any monies in the
Coienty Treasurv, not otherwise appropriated, for the prpon:
of builiug a Jail at Girecasiorough, for the safe keeping ofh
ylves as may be levieil lupon, I)y proess of' law, for public ade,
under execution, aind such runaway blavesas may be arremfefl'or
inken up, in that part of Greeno County, lying east 'of the 1lhck
Warrior river, and the said Comnissioners ue hereby athot-
ized to contract for the building of the said Jail utpon sucl teitus
vs they may deem expedient.
Approvcd, 13h February, 1843.

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