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An Act to incorporate the Town of Warrenton in the County of Marshall. 1841 80 (1841.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0281 and id is 1 raw text is: [No. 85 ]               AN ACT
To revive and continui in frrce an Am tn L~ey n speial Tax for the County of
Morgan: Approved i1i January, lb l.
Section 1. Ie it enacle( by the SYenae and House of Rep.
resentatives of the State oJ A bamia in Gener'al Assembly
Revived   convened, Thiat the above recited act be and the sane is hereby
revived and continued in force, for and during the year eighteen
hundred and forty-two.
Approved, Decemler 29, 1811.
[No. S&I                 AN ACT
To Incorporate te T-%vn of Warranton in the County of Marshall.
Section 1. De i/ enacted by the Senatte (ind House Of Rep-
rescnfalivcs fthe W/ate '   Vba,/ubtma in General Issemblj
convencd, That the cotporate limits of the Town of' Warienion
in the county of Marshall, shall extent a quarter of a mile each
way fron the store houose of John 11. Findley, in the said town,
U1its     che lines to run parallel to the lines of the section of land on
which the said town is situatid, and to be designated and known
by the name of the town of 1Varrenton, and the inhabitants re-
siding wihir the inits of said town as hvieby established, shall
To<y eorpo.  e and aey we hereby consitutted a hody corpiorate and politic;
rute      and who shall on tOe frst Monday in March next, and on the
first Blonday in lrch in each and every year theieafter, elect
by ballot aii Intendant and five Councillors, resident ind or
louse-liolders in said town, who shall he disignated and known
Nuame and  by the name and style of the Intendant and Council of he Town
Say of Warrenton, and by thr said corporate naie and style, they
and their successors in oliee may stie and be sued, plead and be
impleaded, cither in law or in equity, and may purcLase, have,
hold, receive, eoquy and retain in perpetuity, or for a terin of
Powerill,  years, any estate, real or personal, not ext'eding in value ten
thousand dollars, and to sell, lease, or othet wise dispose of' the
Faime, for the bnllfi of' the said town, also, may have and keep
a common seal, and the same to break, alter and amend at plea-
sure; nd in general to do all acts which are, or may be, incident
to bodies corporate.
Sec. 2. -dnd be it further- enaclel, That the first election for
o        Intendant and Councillors, shall i conducted by Charles Ken.
nedy, John 13. Lindley and James Childress, or any two of them;
and all subseqient elections shall he conducted by any threo
citizens of said town whon, the said Intendant and Councillors
ilay appoint, and the said managers of elections shall give at
least tenl days notice, by advertising the sone in two of the most
public places in saidl town; the polls to be kept open from 10
o'clock, A. m., and closed at the hour of 4 o'clock, . ., at each
election; and the said Intendant and Councillors, before entering



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