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An Act making appropriations for the payment of certain Claims against the State. 1840 86 (1840)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0267 and id is 1 raw text is: Jolin Tlalill, favor of John Tatom, for the sum of one hundred and fifty-one
dollars, for servant hire, hauling water, cleaning lamps, and for
pltting tihe representative hall in order for the session of the legis-
Intur'', all of which services were rendered during the present ses-
sion, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise
Provign.  appropriated: Provided, that James II. Owen shall receive the
Jann o wnI. sum of two hIudred dollars, for taking care of the Capitol and the
public grouids, for the year one thousand eight hndred and forty-
one; and if tie said Owen should neglect his duty, the Governior
bliall haVe the poWler of reIovin~g hi1 and appointing another.
Approved, J anuary 8, 1841.
[No. 115.1                  AN ACT
Making Appropriations for the pnyment of certain Claims agninst the State.
Section 1. Re i/ en acted 1by the Senale and Housef Represen
/ie,/je'.s of the Sta/e of f.4lbarn, in General .yssembly convened,
That the State Treasurer he requlired to pay tie following m in.s
of nmoney, onut of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro-
A Lynch   priated: 'I'o Angustus Lynch, the sum of t weity-eight dollars and
thirIty-onie and  a qIuarter cents, fbr sindry repairs doie about the
* & C 11011- Capitol, fixing desks, &!.; to G. & C. 1lopkins. the stun of seventy-
kinm       five dollars ald ninety-four cents, for black clape, niuslin, cin-
Hogan& L,. 1rick, &c., full tr'led for the use of the Imembers; to I lognui & Lv-
on on, tihe sun of' fify-six dollars and ninety etsforarticlespurchased
by tihe doorkeewper thr the use of' the State, consisting of vario is
Nt Killy   aitivics; to 1t. Kelly, sheriff of Jel'erson county, eightcn doll-is,
for whIing ritunn of' presidential election.
Sev. 2. A1nI be it fur/her enalued, That tIme sum0 of ten de lars
B P-m1ucrson  ie paid to lenjamin latterson, for two days services it the Thatel
of the link of the State of Alabama, at H uIntsville. as din tor it
A 'inlcy'  moid Irmich Think; to Alva Fiulay, the stum of ten dollars, fJr two
s ltwing  days -csrvicv ill said banuk; to Stephen S. Ewing, the sumu of' thr
hundred aind thirty-five dollars, for sixty-seven da  sof imilar  r
.1 Fnc!lkr vices; to hnt .1. Fackler, the sun of thre'( e hudrted at d fittn en
a Pllinn  dollars, for sixty-three days of like services; to John P lo- eln i, thi
semn of' three Inmmidred dollars, for sixty days of' lik  svrvices; to
3 3 1l'tvher .Johnii J. Fletcher, the silitt of one huimndred amdl ninlciv-five dilmlars,
A for thirty-nine divs like survices; to Williaimi .A. A list in, the sun
of' sevenity dollars, lt' fourteen days like servvces.
See. 3. Ind be i/ further ,nude'hd, That tlhe sit of thirteen
Jos 0lack  dollars anud twenty cens lie paid to .losc1dmph fll:, j iler of' Wash-
itmet(on coulty, flr licinaling State l'isoniers. &i. it) Geore S.
G S H'omustonl ilouston, the sm  of teii dollars, for pros'cuin iu m a1e arged
T M Danier with murder to convietion; to Thlonas 1 1. alier, ie surn of
sixty-one dollars and fifty cents, for three hundred and seven



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