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An Act making appropriations for the payment of certain claims against the State. 1840 87 (1840)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0265 and id is 1 raw text is: pounds of bacon, purchased for the use of Captain Justice's con-
pany of mounted volunteers, of Dale county; to William Braly, NV trIuly
sei ff of Tuscaloosa county, the sum of thirty-eight dollars and
tventy-five cents, for expenses for travelling to and from Greene
county jail with State prisoners, furnishing guard, &c.; to J. Iacy J Lney & cU
& Co., the sum of ninety dollars andi sixty-two and a half cents,
for record hook, minute book, and stationery, furnished the clerk
of the supreme court, cc., and furnishing record book and station-
cry for the use of ifouse of Representatives; to Morrison & Little, Morrison &
the slum of nineteen dollars and eighty-seven cents, for ten gallons lieli-
of lamp oil, spirits of turpentine, &c.; to James 11. Owen, the slm j 1n Owt,
of twvelve dollars, for attending to the delivering and measuring
coal for the use of the State; to Janes & P. Quarles, the sum of J&PQuaries
nine dollars, for repairing lamps, &c.; to I lardin Perkins, the sum I rerkins
of forty-two dollars and seventy-eight cents, for blacksmith work
done in repairing grate, making fcnders, fixing fire shovels, &e.;
to James C. Lock, sheriff of Greene county, the sum of one hunii- c c o
fired and forty dollars and forty cents, for victualing sundry State
prisoners and removing the same, &c.; to David Spoor, the sum of aS1oor
eighty dollars, for services rendered a sick man who was a soldier
in the a niv; to T. IV. Huoey & Co., one hundred and seventy-ont p A
dollars and tiventy-five cents, for books and stationery furnished & Cu
the  chancerv court of Talladega.
Sec. 41. .*ud be it further enacted, That the suni of fifteen
dolla's be allowe(ld to William S. Taylor, for collecting up the sta- IV S'aylor
tionery and other articles belonging to the Sunate chamber, and
taking an inventory for the same according to law, and that the
further stun of one hundred and twenty-five dollars and seventy-
five c; nts he allowed said Taylor, for servant hire for the use of' 1  j Tayloj
lthe present General Assembly, and for hoarding said servants, to
be paid out of anyi money in the treasury not othervise appropri-
ated, and the Comptroller of Public te-munts will issue his warrant
t the Treasirer for the same.
Approved, January 9, 1 11 H.
No.   i                   AN ACT
10  kig  nppropriations  for the  ayment of certai  claims against the Since.
Scton 1. Be it enutd/ed1 Ag the Senate and HIouse of IAcpresen-
Ia/iives   t//c l of. 1/ianil, '11inGera .Issenhl/ convened,
That the toihIoilb  sums, he, and 1he same are lerrchyappropriat-
ed to pay th prsoi s htereitier named, to be paid outi of any
iion(-y il the  Teaury not otwise aPl-ol)rilted, to wit: To
Moses Carnunck the( suml of liventy-two dollars, ibor dlist ributin w  1 carnnd
wlvirhbts anli tmeasurs tor the county of' Walker; to David A. Grif'- 1  a
till, shrill'of Talladoea couitNty Ite stlin of itirty-ninie dollars, fori
ia king the returtn of' the CUnreSsional vote of said county, in



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