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An Act to authorize the Judhge of the County Court of the county of Franklin and Commissioners of Rads and Revenu, to allow compensation to certain persons therin named and for other purposes. 1838 186 (1838)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0229 and id is 1 raw text is: Leviy 111 to and required to levy a special tax in said county, for the purpose of
build Joil  bilding a jail in aid county, which fund when so raised shall be
appropriatel to tle prpose as aforesaid, under the dirc.tion and
superiItelilaice of said Colimissioners or their successors in office.
Svc. -. And be it /rther enacted, That if tle fund so raised
inl eighteen hundred and thirty-niiie, as iiforesaid,should tnt he sulli.
en  iimii i,,eilnt for the purpose arores(idthen and in that case the saiid ge and
iaid fur  commissioners, or- their succesaors in oficc shall from year to year,
he autihorised and required to levy said tax until a sufficiency is rais-
ed to pay for the buhlding of said jail.
Sc. 3. And/ie if'urther enacted, That the sheriff of said coun-
ty shall be elititled to the smC compensation, for collecting said ta':,
as is now provided for by law.        Approved, Feb. 2, 1839.
No. 90.                     AN AC'T'
'To compeinate tie Comissionerm of IRivenue and Roads in the county of Covingtou
id Fr otlier purpuoes.
Section I. Be it enacted b-y the Snite and House of Represen-
latives <?f the Sl/e q/ ./ubmina in General Assenby convened,
That from and after the pas:ige of t his act, that the officers conipo.
sing the Court of Revenue and loads in the county of Covington,
rom'ra of It.sh;(ll  Iceceiv-e the  sim of two dollars for each day they may he
pI'df1pirdiay. reli  to attend sai d coslinissioners court, to he paid out of the
ointy tIrasury, on the certificate of the clerk of the county court,
stating the  inmiber of days saii ollicers has fetnially served and it
shall bei 1hlie dtiy of tile county treasurer of said county to pay the
a moulit so certified, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise
S !. 2. le itfuri/iher enatcled, That if any one of said commis-
Sioners shall hereafter refuse or neglect to attend any commissioners
ilrenatty f-r etlt, appointed by liw in smid county, not having a suflicient excuse
nit attending IhIerefo', to he ad judged of' by ai majority of Said court, to be lirard
coul t.   anl deltruiined at tlhir suceveding court, after such default, the if.
Iierr. or olieurs so found in default, shall severally pay a fine of live
dlollars, which iline wheln collected, shall be paid over into the coun-
ty treasuiry for coity prll'poses, and it shall be the duty of said
court to ener jidgment and issu execution for all lines which may
incur undi, this act.                Approved, Feb. 2, 1839.
(No. V1.)                   AN ACT
'Tu  t  iit ri-in the Jl e udge of I tie  ni unt y 1:npurt oift ie n ointy or Priui klin end I ominiltsinn-
enr d~ Itwi, nmd litvenmue to ntilow comtpensiation to curtntin persons therein uned
and- Inr tother purimnws.
S.ct ion I. lie it enacled hy the Scinate an d I House of represe
toturve of the Stote (/' .liuaawo in Generul Assemb/y coniiivened,
C'urtoifty 'I'liat it.lIige of the countiy court of the county ofr Firanklin, to-
cerimn ier. gethter wnih the comissioners iof roads and revenue are herehy au-
bu.       Iloriseud to make such allowance as they may think reasonable and
right ti Noble It. Uadd, admiinisteator of tile estate of Giregory 1).
Stone deceasedl for the henefit of the heirs ofsanid decelati, .Michael
Dicksom and Anderson Ilean, for services rendered as judge of the
court, clerk and - heritl'at the trial of a certain slave named Mariah



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