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An Act to protect the remains of the Dead and for other purposes. 1837 6 (1837.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0220 and id is 1 raw text is: fifty dollars f(or every wiiful neglect or mda-practice, and he removed from of.
SEC. 9. Aid be itfuriffr enacted, That, at the saine time and place, and in
the same manner of electing the councillors, there shall be elected a town con.
stable, who shall collect the fees and taxes levied by the council, and pay the
same to the treasurer, and perform nil and singular, the duties that may be re.
quired of' hin iy said co uncil, and before entering on the duties of' Iis oflice,
.'hall take and subscribe the same oaths as required of' other constables, and to
enter into bond with good and sufficient security to be approved by the cour-
cil, for the faithful performance of' his duties, as required by the council, and
shall have and receive the samc fees for serving and executing any' process that
are allowed to other constables, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Approved, December 5, 1437.
INo. 8.]                    AN ACT
To protect the reminns of the Dead and for other purposea.
Section 1. Be it enicted by the Senate and House oJ Represen-
ta/ives of the Slate qf Alabana in General .9seinbly convened.
1'ni     ' ''That if any person shall willfully dig up,disinter. removeor convey away, an
ml-r 'he d h buman body, or the remains thereof, or shall ino.wingly aid in such disinter.
iment, removal or conveving away. every such olUnder, and every person ac.
cassary thereto, either before or filer he fact, Shall upon Conviction, be punish.
ed by imprisonment in the connnon jail of' tie count\, riot dess than three nor
more thaln twelve months, and fined not less than one nor more than five lun.
dred doilars, and it shall be left to the direction of the rmy trying the saie, to
inflict one or both of the said punishments on every suci ofthndr: Provided,
nevertheless, that all sherifis in this State, may surrender tile deAd bodies of'such
tersons as are, or shall be executed for capital crimes, to any regular physician,
duly qualified, according to law, to be by him used for the adayncement of
.,atoinical science, unless the same be demanded by the kindred of such cri.
niindl or some one of thei.
See. t. And be it futher enacted, That if any person shall wilfully or mali.
fluy ir. rjousdy, destroy, mi lat e, delaca, injure or  1move anty tomb monltument t,
gravestone, or other structure, or thing, placed or designed for a ineiorial of
the dead, or atny fence, railing, curb, or othtr thing, intended for teia protecition,
or for the ornament of any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure
bIfore mentioned, or of any enclosure for the burial of the dead, or shall wiI-
tilly destroy, mutilate, remoie, cut, break ot' inju o any tre. shrub or plant,
placed or being within any such enclosure; the person so offending, upon con-
%iction,shail be punished by fine, iot less than one, nor more than five hundred
,ioilars, and by imprisonment in the county jail, not less than three, nor more
than twelve months: Provided. That nothing herein contained, shall prevent
wry physician or studett of medicine, from dissocting the body Of a Slave with
the consent of the owner: Provided, That this act shall not be so construed ai
a prevent the examination of any dead subject, by the consent of the friends of
the same, for the purpose of the advancement of medical science.
Approved, Docomber 14, 1837.
[No. 9.                     AN ACT
To Fecure thf fine for defaulters for working oil public roada.
SeCtON 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House qf Representatives qf the
r   State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after th'
re   . passage of this act, all property owned by persons liable to work on publi
roads, be and the satme is hereby subject to levy or sale, by virtue of any exe-
cution or legal piocess that may issue from any justice of the peace, against
any person or persons for dofaut aforesaid.



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