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An Act for the relief of the legal representatives of Jason Moye, deceased, and for the relief of Mrs. Mary Sizemore. 1835 63 (1835)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0197 and id is 1 raw text is: !ent of one year in the payment of all bonds given by the said John Postponat's
Miller and Neely Drake or the purchase of their several portions of the in
Sixteenth Section, ol Township one, Range two, East of the basis mari-
dian in the county of Madison, sold agreeably to law, by the commis.
sioners of said Township on the 19th day of March, 1835, which said
bonds were made payable to the said President and Directors, and de.
posited in said Branch Bank for collection: Provided however, That Provi.
interest upon each and every one of said bonds, shall accrue from the dite
at which the same would regularly be due and payable. And provided Proviso.
also, that before the day at which the first series of said bonds would re-
gularly fall due, to wit, on the 19th day of March 1856, the securities
of the said John Miller, and the securities of the said Neely Drake shall.
file with the President of the Branch Bank at Decatur their assent in wri-
tihg to the postponement above granted in the payment of all bonds upon
which they are securities as aforesaid.
SEc. 2. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws
contravening the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby re. ntpsal.
pealed.                                   Approved Dec. 9, 1885.
[No. 13.1                    AN ACT
Nor the refiefof the legal representatives of Jnson Mays deceased, and for the relief of Mrs.
larv Sizemore.
SEc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and 'House of Representatives
of the State of Alabama in General Assem bly convened, That the
Comptroller of public accounts be, and he is hereby authorised and re-
quired to issue his wnrrnnt in favor of the legal representatives or admin-
istrter of the estate of the said Jason Moye, for the sum of F ive Hundred saen Moys
Dollars, being one half of the value of the slave George, the property of
the said Jason Moyc, late of Baldwin county.
SEC. 2. ./ind be itfirether enacted, That the comptroller of public
accounts be, and he is hereby authorised and required to issue his watr- 5 ay Size-
rant in favor of Mary Sizemore, or her authorised agent for the sum  of Mr.
Four Hundred Dollars, beng one half of the value of the slave Horace,
the property of Mary Sizeniore.        Approved, Dee. 15, 1835.
ENo. 14.]                    AN ACT
For the appointment of Commissioners of the Cour ty Site for the County of Henry.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Seiate and House of Representatives
ofcthe State of.labama in General Assembly convened, That James
Murphy and Thomas Doswell, be, and thoy are hereby appointed Com.
massioners of the County Site for the county of Henry, in lieu of John
Sowell, resigned, and Joel Vickers, deceated.
Approved, Dec. 15, 1835.
INo. 15.3                    AN ACT
'To provide for the buildig of a Court lonse in ths County of Benton.
See. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative:
eJ the State of Alabama in General Assembly       Convened, That
from and after the passage of this act the Judge of the County Court and
Commissioners of Revenue and Roads of Benton county, be, and they
are hereby authorized and specially require to levy a special tax on all Tat
persons and property of the citizens of said county subject to taxation,
sufficient to defray the necessary expenses that may be required to build
a Court House in the town of Jacksonville, which tax shall be levied by
said Court, one third annually, at the first Court holden in each and
every year aftet the first day of January next. .

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