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An Act to incorporate the Town of Louisvile, in Barbour County. 1833 103 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0171 and id is 1 raw text is: 103                              1884
%e paid by the dwnc or'owners, for which execution shtll be V
awarded as in other cases.
See. 4. And'be it further enacted, That it shall be the du- Duty of soE
ty of the solicitor of the fifth judicial circuit, to prosecute all ctor.
cases commenced under this net, and be shall be entitled to ten
dollars for his services, to be paid by the party liable for the
costs; anti the clerk and shcriff for their services shall be enti-
tied to the same fees as are allowed by law for similar services
in other cases.
Sc. 5. And be itfiirther enac/ed, That if the sheriff fail Penalty or
to execute any process which lie may be required to execute '  for re-
under this act, lie shall forfeit the sum of five hundred dollars, ecuto writ.
to be recovered by motion of the persons making complaint,
-on giving said sheriffthre days notice oflthe time of making said
Sec. 6. Avid be it further enacted, That all acts and parts Repeni.
of acts contrary to the provisions of this act be and the same
are hereby repealed.          Approved, January 14, 1834.
[No. 79.]               AN ACT
'Po incorpornte the town of Lnisville, in Barbour  nunty.
Settion 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hlouse cf Re-
yresentatives of the Stale ofdlabama in General.ssembl
convencd, That. the town of Louisville, in the county of Bar. Ineorporanon
hour, be and the same is hereby incorporated, including all and
agrecably to the plan of said town.
See. 2. And be it further enacted, That an election shall Election of
be held at some convenient house in said town, on1 the fountril ouicilor..
11onday in February next, and annually thereafter; the polls to
he opened at 11 o'clock in the morning and close at 1 o'clock in
the evening,for the purpose of electing by ballot,five councillors,
inhabitants of said town, who shall serve for the term of one year
after they rhall have been coected. The first election shall be m-
naged by ajust ice of the peace, citizen of the beat in which said
town is situated and two householders, ciizens of said town, and
all subsequent elections shall be ianagd by two of the council-
lors, to be appointed by the board for that purpose, and the said
councillors shall, on the next day after each election in each year,
met and elect by a majority of votes from their own body, an in- titendn:*
tendant, whose duty il shall be to preside and heep order atall
meetipgi of the said councillors, and in his absence any other
memt ber may be called to the chair, and the said intendant and
co'nicillors shall be and they are hereby constituted a body corpo-
rate, by the name and styleofthe intendant and councilofthaic tvn  or
of Louisville, and by that namo they and their sucssors shall prt:..
ho capable in law, of suing and being SCd, of pleading and
being implenerl in ill mnniner of suits either in law or ecl'!itv:

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