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An Act to amend and repeal an act entitled an act to prevent the introduction of slaves into Alabama and for other purposes. 1832-1833 5 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0168 and id is 1 raw text is: 5                                1832
wilh all the powers with respect to said Branches, which the joint
co-mittees of the general assemhlv to examine the condition of
the State 3ank, have in reference to it; it shall be the duty of said
committces to make full reports of their several examinations to
the president and directors of the Bank of the State of Alabama,
who shall report the same to the gener1i assembly of this State,
within the first week of cach annual session.
Sac. 17. .nd be ilfur/her enacted, That each member of the c'ompenn-
001 of Coal
committecs contemplated by the foregoing section, shall receive mittee.
Iour dollars for every thirty miles in travelling to and from said
Hranch 1lanks, and four dollars for every (lay that they may be
engaged in the examination of said Branches.
Approved, December 4, 1832.
[No. 2.}                A N, ' ACT
'u alter the time of holding the Court. oft' Cmeniioners' of Revenue and Ronds
Rection 1. Ie i/ enae/d by the f eniatefnd House of Repre-
sen, /ufirxetof the Vale of./l/abama in General .R1ssembly con- coumminiou.
rePned, That the courts of* commissioners of revenue and roads rsenoeurt,
of Washington county, shall hereafter he hohlen on the third when hold.
lStonaYs in.pitury, April, Aulgust and November, instead of the
time heretofo6 established by law.
Ap roved, December 1, 1832.
[No. 3.]                AN ACT /
lu  mie at id repent no net entitled no act to ple it the introduction of sIay  s into
At.timn nid for oither purposeg  alpron  , .iiuanry 1c, t11:32.  If-
Scotion 1. Be it enacled by the .Yenate (i(ad House o  lepre-
.ntnlalives of the State oj.h/bama in General ./Issemb/i con-q
rened, That the first, sccold, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, scenth,
ehj1th, twentietl and twenty firs serons ofr~Tic before recited
act, be and the same are hereby repealud.
-     _  Approved, Deceniber 4, 1832.
[No. 4.]                AN ACT
To chnnga the timei of holding the ouinty Courts of Monroe county.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the 'Senat e aflnd ouse -  Repre-
sen/atioes of the W'ate qf.1iabamna in General .d.vsembly con-
venced, That the county courts of Monroe county for civil bust- CountY co urt,
ness shall hereafter be holden on the third Mondays in January when field'
and the second Mondays in July, annually, instead of the times
heretofore established by law.
Sec. 2. .ind be it fugrther enacted, That all writs and other Proess.
process returnable to the existing terns of said court, and all
causes now  depending in said court, shall be returnable to and
stand for trial at tilv peiods now prescribed by this act
ApprovedJ eceber 5, 1832.
[No.5.]                 AN A'T,
To repent in part1  s'-veral nets now in (bren in relation tothenotice of l ed icin
SECTION 1. Be it entacted by the Senate a           c
itsentatives of the State of .l/abanaa in General.Issembly con- Thonpsonian
vened, That the second and eighth sections of an act to regulate systemlnican.
the licensing of physicians to practice and for other purposes there- ed.
in natned, passed 22d December, A. D. 1823, he, and the same
are hereby so far repealed. that neither of the aforesgid section!

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