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An Act making appropriations for the payment of certain Claims against the State. 1832-1833 123 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0160 and id is 1 raw text is: 1238
di second, 1burth, fitfth, sixth, qeventh and eighth judirial cif-V  r
cuits, two huindred an.1 lifty dollars each, makin the sumll of lir-
tCen hundred dollars; for the payment of the annual salary of the
ptiarter master general, the sum of two hundred dollars: for the Quartr  .
payment of the secretary of the Senaw, and the principal elerk ecre .% oe
of the house of representatives, each seven dollars per day: for te  *.
the payment of the assistant secretary'of the sonate, and the as- tAnt
sistant and engrossin- elerkscf the house of represcotatives, each clerks.
five dollars per day; for the paymlent of the door-keepcr i of the Door-keeper.
senateand house of representatives, each the sum of four dollars
per day; for the payment of the messenger of the house of rep- Messenger.
resentatives, the sutm of four dollars per day. to lie paid out of any
money in the treasury not otoerwise appropriated.
Sec. 2. .1hid be it fi/rther emacted, That the sum of one Secretary of
huidred and fifty dollars, be. and the same is hereby appropriated  e  I
for the payment of the secretary of the senate, for completing
the journal an(l arranging the papers of the senate of the called
ond annual session; and the sum of one hundred and fifty dollirs,
he, and the same is hereby appropriated for the payment of the
qlerk of the house of representatives, for completing the journal
:nd1 arranging the papers.of the house of representatives, of the
olled and annual session.
Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, That the sum of three secretary 'A
hundred and twenty-five dollars, be, and tile same is hereby ap- stte.
proprinted for the payment of the secretary of state, for copying
and making an index to the laws, for copying tlie journals of each
house of the general assemhly for the present and called session,
preparing the whole for the press, and superititending the print-
ing thereof.
Sec. -1. And be it further enacted, That the sum of two Corptroller.
hulndred an( fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropria-
ted to the comptroller of public accounts, as pay ment of clerk
hire in his oflice for the past year.
Sec. 5. ./hid be it /rther enacted, That the sum of two state printd.
1housand five hundred dollars, be, and tle same is hereby appro-
priateud to the payment of the annual salary of the State printers
for the present year.
See 6. 1Jud be it furt her enarted, That the sum  of one continent
one thousand dollars, he, and the same is hereby appropriated, and fund.
ict aside as a contingent fund.   Appiroved, January 12, 1833,
ltu  n ippiopria ion,, for thle pinment of ertain  anmsnain  the Sin c.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilouse of R)re-
ventatives f/he Seate of .2/abuma in General Idssenbty con- Appropria.
ve red, That the following stnis of money, be and the same are tions for
hereby appropriited for the pavient of certain individuals heroin
named, for furnishing provisions for persons coifined in the jails
of their respective counties, and for removing prisoners by order
of court, to wit: To James Savage,jailor of Clarke county, se- J. sorage.
venty dollars and eighty cents; to David Griflin, jai oTf *   D. DGrifoin.
qacoimty, four dollars and eighty cents; to NI. H-. Ml lenry, M. 1. '1d-
hoi If of helby couty, one hundred and twelve dollars twelve ry.
and a half cents; to Smith Young, jollor of Shel 'votuntv, ten S. Young.
dollars and forty cents; to Green J,. Caliier, aioonW    - C.. coe

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